I would make sure my family was set for generations with money, and I would have some of it turned into a suit to be buried in. As much as I love my wife I would also offer some women I would really love to bang some money. Buy some Viagra because you can only do it so many times and a day before getting tired so I don't want to waste it. If there is any time I would post about it on Gamespot. If not then no one would ever know it happened.
I personally do not believe in gay marriage. It is a religious thing and should be taken up there. However, I do believe in civil unions for all couple getting married at the court house or without a religious aspect. All couples under this umbrella should have the same rights gay or straight. I think there should be some situation that allows them to have the same rights as married couples. I would be happy if it was a commitment ceremony aslong as they get the same legal benefits.
Becareful though as there have been cases of women getting pregnant with a second child while pregnant. It is rare but you don't want to be that guy. Also, I can see no good of this situation.
I am black and I married a Chinese girl. There is nothing wrong with it as long as you can accept the hate from her traditional relatives if things get serious.
Did you atleast make sure he had a controller he could play the Gamecube game with? Personally, I did not like de blob. I would only get involved if a game was tragically broken. If I was a sonic fan and thought it sucked I would still say nothing as it is only my opinion and kids love the new sonic games.
I would buy a house and go back to school so I could do something I would enjoy more. I would save the rest. I guess buy some gifts for friendsandfamily but I wouldn't go to extravagent.
We are more protective over children than adults. An adult is responsible for themselves while a kid dies it is as if someone failed at something. I would be devastated if one of my children died. They are my legacy. I do feel bad when other people lose their life but the closer the relationship the worse I feel.
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