@Cpt_Cosmonaut @csthomas888 I remember MW2 fondly for it's James Bond escape off of Snow Mountain, the rather intense ending sequences, the "No Russian" mission that rustled many jimmies.
When a Call of Duty Campaign rustled up the Jimmises, you know that Call of Duty did something good.
Co-Op was good too, and MW1 did indeed have a nice stealth mission which I ended up failing multiple times because they always stepped on my foot or shot my comrade to death because he can eat bullets, but 99 bullets is WAY too much for him
@sabretooth2066 @Lykanthropie @Darkeus Well to be honest, most Call of Duties did indeed follow the same formula of "You are man, shoot stuff, go America"
But as someone who usually hates Call of Duty but only counts 4 and MW2 as "The Only Good Ones", I must admit that Advanced Warfare peeks my interest to the point that I kind of want to make a purchase on it.
First I will watch Totalbiscuit's video on the Multiplayer on it, until then, I will hold my wallet back and.. I don't know.. Buy Bad Company 2 and Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition for 35€ together..
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