@b0sse You are aware of the fact that the game is considered as a budget title on the 15 dollar/Euro mark?
Nevertheless, I agree with the review, I gave the game a bash and I enjoyed it a lot, and the cutscenes, sure they do the well...Frozen image or how you call it tech, but it still looks pretty cool for what it is...Even voice acting is surprisingly good
I would definitely pick this up over any other AAA title around...
@SurfaceNerd @numba1homie @picho86 And you people make fools of yourself
Saints Row 4 at least does some interesting things unlike GTA5, it may throw away seriousness, but SR4 is a completely different game, plus it's on PC so it's better than your piss-shit of GTA5
In my opinion it deserves about...A 6, mainly because it's stupid choice of not putting itself on to the PC, and don't give me any stupid excuse why it isn't on PC, us PC users demand it on PC, just think of the modding
You sir have no idea what the definition of "Fun" is...YOU might think it as "Stupid" or "Childish" or whatever, but there are still people who value the games that were mentioned here
Plus...4/5 of those game are on PC, is GTA5 on PC? No? Then GTA5 can **** off, and so can you :)
kalgert123's comments