@Dredcrumb9 How about you stop bitching about the killing? I can't believe there are people that complain about such LITTLE things
And "Oh no, my immersion is melting out of my ears because of one little thing that lasts half a second"...I hate people that complain about "Immersion"
@10171981 Well that may be the case, but then again, I doubt it would really need to take half a year to get a PC port working...Unless the guys at Rockstar are unable to do it
GTA5 is a game that makes me angry, it's not the fanboys, it's not the fact that it's not on PC day-one (Modding potential missed) but it's the hype
What is so damn special about this game that makes you go insane if someone doesn't give it 11 out of 10? Personally I would give it a 5, because it's refusing to come to PC
Oh well...I will poke at the hornet's nest and say that I will go back to Saints Row 4 and wait for Watch Dogs, both better games....
@excludedkratos Well if you are a person that isn't boring and likes fun, you could also have picked up Saints Row 4 to pass the time while waiting for something that will more or less be highly overrated, just had a well-constructed few trailers...Yes, I like to have fun, that is why I played Saints Row 4
@prime_l @kalgert123 Yees, but does it mean that just because it's ROCKSTAR...And not R with a tiny blip to it's right...Doesn't mean that they can also do it a bit sooner, no?
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