@blakeney @kalgert123 @dubNbass Games are meant to be fun, this looks fun
Apparently only young people can enjoy such things...There are adults that also enjoy it
When you run over someone in an open world crime game, you don't want to ram them and then have them roll around in pain, you want them to be launched away in to some crazy spot, if you think GTA4 has good mechanics, then you need to re-look at your priorities of gaming
This is just crazy-soda drinking out of a clownshoe, I'm in for this! :D
Also I am getting this over GTA5 because it has a PC port...If GTA5 doesn't cough up a PC port itself well...Look who won't be buying *cues the "Oh too bad for Rockstar" or "Your loss" saying people*
@WolfGrey @ksdlass @Ramhole Actually now that I do think about it: Fable 2 was a proper sequel, Fable 3 fell over a steampile of dark glob and had it's soul sucked out through it's face
Playing Fable 1 now and I am enjoying it quite a bit...Though by in-game days of 40 I already look like Dante from Devil May Cry, all I need now is the pudding basin hairstyle and an oversized sword, then I will be in business...First gotta remove those horns somehow...
Also this game should be on the PC...Same goes for Fable 2 (Ofcourse it should be a good port at least for both), PC is the better platform...FACT...Plus the Xbox ONE is kind of worthless at it's current state
The ONE most important thing of gaming for the entirety:
Is this on PC?
....Make it two questions: Will it be on PC AND...Will it work well and not suck as much as Fable 3? I did play Fable 2, enjoyed it to some degree but I wish for the enjoyment of Fable 1
Currently playing The Lost Chapters from 2004-5 and also playing Fable 2 on my Xbox which I don't usually use that much of and..I think Fable anniversary deserves to be on the PC
Also now that I have a second look at Fable 2, I don't think it as that bad, but I will say that the devs did trip over some hurdles at the making of it, like the morality system, the armor having actual purpose rather than cosmetic and all of that...Also make your hair dye-able! I don't wanna look like Dante from DMC when it passed like..40 ingame days
@Pierce_Sparrow @kalgert123 There was a fraction of people that called it "best thing ever"...Though that's because they either knew that the game sucked but didn't want to admit it...Or they were desperate for something like it that they blindly played it, even if they were stomped by the company that made it
And I will agree that bugs and problems may not be a nail to the game's coffin, but they can be a bit of a let-down in itself
But people are smart enough to try and take a look at it, if not because of what people say about it, then just out of curiosity
People might look at DayZ like "Hmm..What is this?" and then look at some videos, then they will see if it's their cup of tea, same goes for Metal Gear Solid
Well what I am saying is: That people's words don't fully matter, since people will still look at gameplay and most of the times they don't focus on what other people are saying
Edit: This message is focused on the part where you are saying that my comment makes DayZ sound like a terrible game
@Pierce Sparrow: Your word of "Devoted people will look over the problems in exchange for the experience" kind of reminds me of the WarZ conundrum, where people were going around rampantly on the internet saying "ZIS IZ ZE BEZT GAEM EVRE!"...Even though it was a terrible hunk of junk...Kind of showing in some respect this that they got...Well...I wouldn't say "screwed over" in the case if the game is at least functional and doesn't look like ass, but more of..."Was given a below average product"...Since the best thing to be is if the game is at least functional without breaking down
@Spindie: I will agree with you on the "Hey, betas should at least be representing the final product", but you can't expect betas and alphas to work as good as the final product in most situations, since it can happen that it would be under development of a studio that doesn't have the manpower of a big popular company
I can think of a game that's like...In early alpha and is functional and gives the basic idea of what the final product will be...Ofcourse alpha is alpha so things are subject to change as always...But there was Planetside 2 that worked like ass during beta...Unless your computer was stolen from NASA or you spent 50k to make your computer the biggest and shiniest in the world...I hope that you at least don't show it off, otherwise people will hate you because some of those people don't crap 5k a month and can't afford big rig computers...Plus if you try to make a tragic story of "But..I had to spent so much time to make it..." then you just show yourself as a pathetic buttox that thinks that people should have money come out of their rear
@Dinostrich @kalgert123 @pokajabba I will say that the concept is indeed interesting (I would also be interested in it if there was a F2P zombie survival game with this type of design but at least would have zombies be like zombies and not regular human cannibals), but the game is rated in such a way that it just made me dislike the game and the people who play it (Especially when they call it "best thing ever" and then say that they "run around and survive"...How can that be all that it is?)
Also the human interaction as far as I know is: Murder each other, and when in the city, get shot by snipers because some people get off at the idea of ruining people's videogame existences
Also don't thank me for the Spunkgargleweewee phrase, thank Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation, he is the one who came up with the name of the MMS games...Which are not real shooters
@pokajabba @kalgert123 Call of Duty is spunkgargleweewee, Titanfall I don't know, The Last of Us and Metal Gear Solid are focused around stealth, and stealth is a good and fun thing
kalgert123's comments