[QUOTE="kalparun"]Fat/skinny/out of shape bros will never know what it's like to get admired at the beach, to have women touch your abs and squeaze your biceps giggling and blushing and your gf asking you to lift her over your shoulders just because she gets turned on over just how **** manly of a beast you are. Zlurodirom
I don't do this much, but lol.
They reason they get and remain fat is because they eat more than they need.kalparun
So you say we should educate those about nutrition in middleschool/highschool? So they know how to eat?
Educating people on nutrition AND exercise and general fitness should be a thing, yeah. Steroids and other drugs too. People nowadays know all about what that x celebrity did but have no idea how their own body works. I mean, counting calories and knowing how much protein you should consume is such a simple concept. But there are always people who want you to stay ignorant. They want you to purchase ab machines and wanna sell you that "magic" juice that will get you ripped in 3 weeks, diet products, diet pills, magical diet programs, magical shoes etc etc. The average joe doesn't even know the basics about how their body works and even if they do, they're still too lazy and always try to find the easy and fast way to get a six pack. With such phenomena as fat acceptance, this will only get worse.
[QUOTE="mingmao3046"]I hope israel gets blown to bitsvfibsux
I wonder what your response was when bus loads of Israeli children get intentionally targeted and blown to hell. As far as Israel getting blown to bit.....don't hold your breath. Unless you are talking about the Iranian nukes I am sure you claim they do not have :/ "the...the....the childrinz"
[QUOTE="JohnF111"]Inb4 American Imperialists claim that it's time to invade or put him in jail for a billion years.vfibsux
Obviously you are too stupid to even know what an imperialist is. All countries spy on each other, friends and foes. No news here. Tell us your experience with that.
I agree, I don't have sympathy for people that get so big they cannot walk, no need to do that to your body.
Has anyone considered the possibility that some people get fat because they have trouble getting around? Like, rather than immobility being caused by obesity, the obesity is caused by immobility. If the reason they can't get around is because of the fat, that doesn't count :P They reason they get and remain fat is because they eat more than they need.
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