i find it to be the opposite. I own both systems and Ps3 games seem a lot clearer to me....i guess it depends on your tv or your settings on each system.
lol dude no what was even funnier was this kid in line behind me gets up there....guy gives him the same message. So his friend i guess was old enough. So the kid pulls out the cash and his friend shows him the ID. The guy goes " i cant do that i saw him with the game and the money and he has no ID...only his parents can come in and get him the game"
ok so since the whole Manhunt getting the AO rating it seems the ESRB is tightening things up. Anyway, so i go to gamespot to get a copy of Rainbow 6 Vegas and the guys there know me pretty well. So i get my copy and i go to the counter and theres a new guy. I give him the copy pull out my money and then he goes...."IM GONNA NEED TO SEE SOME ID"... so i laugh and itry to give him the money. and he's like "sorry sir i cant sell this game without seeing some ID, if i dont ask the ESRB will fire me". So i laugh some more and i look around the store and i ask a couple guys "Hey are you guys undercover ESRB agents" and everyone laughs. Now im 21 and seriously i dont look anywhere close to under the age of 17 but this guy wouldnt sell me the game unless i should him my ID. IM just wondering if anybody else has been seeing this at game stores around their neighborhood?
wifi...to get ur 360 wirless online is another hundred bucks. So what you only want to play games theres no denying the ps3 is a good all around machine and it worth the price if u add all these things in their. The extra 200 bucks is worth it if you ask me. I only paid 450 for mine though ( thank u craigslist ). Honestly up until i had a ps3 of my own i always thought the vprice as unjustified and that it was just a hype machine.
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