kapow85's forum posts
When I was younger I always had trouble sleeping from the age of about 5 until I was about 21, I went through a really bad patch when I was 18 where I got next to no sleep for about 6 months, I was absolutely miserable and it was so hard to concentrate on my college work and driving lessons. During this I went 6 days without any sleep and afterwards I was glad to go back to getting my 30-60 minutes a night. It was terrible I had a few hallucinations and I was very paranoid, looking over my should every couple of muinutes thinking someone was in the room with me.
Thankfully that's all over now and I'm out like a light as soon as my head touches the pillow, don't konw why after so many years of insomnia it suddenly ended but I'm happy about it :)
I was surprised when they made the silent hill movie that they didn't use the storyline from silent hill 2 as it had the best story in the series, only thing they used from silent hill 2 was pyramid head and not as effectively as he was used in the game. There's a second silent hill marked up as coming out in 2010 on imdb though, I have my fingers crossed that it will be more like silent hill 2 :)1. Silent Hill 2
I had exactly the same problem playing on the PC, I'd get a few steps away from the citadel on the final mission and the game would crash.
I tried going back to a previous save, installing the patch, uninstalling and reinstalling the game but nothing worked. I'd done pretty much everything else I wanted to do in the game to I gave up with it. I hope you find a fix though.
Prince Of Persia: The Sand of Time, Warrior With etc series none of that oldschool crap or the new bs either :P
There's a Prince of Persia: Sands of Time film coming out next year, I'll definitely be watching it but I'm unsure of their chioce to play the prince, Jake Gyllenhaal, I thought they would have chosen someone who looked at least kind of persian.
most of you have probably seen this already but for those of you that haven't Minesweeper: The Movie enjoy :)
When I played the final mission the robot got stuck on the bridge like 4 times. I feel your pain, very annoyinganolecrabcfYeah I've heard a few people mentioning the problem with the robot getting stuck or just randomly deciding to stop, sadly I can't even get that far and I was really looking forward to seeing the robot in action :)
I think I'm going to give up with this, I've tried all the suggestions and I can't see that there's anything more to be done, maybe I can just copy my last save file onto my boyfriends pc and play it on his pc instead.
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