@acp_45 This is not correct. Its based on import and country taxes, and import laws, off the base price from the dollar. Its why its 2000 dollars in Brazil. The Taxes and Fee's to import into the country makes it 2000, not the conversion of the dollar.
FINALLY, please everyone read this. Im tired of the BLACK FRIDAY SALES NUMBERS articles. They sold what they had in stock. This doesn't mean one did better than the other , both keep getting sold out. We wont know till a year or so down the road the whole picture. Both will sell great.
This sounds like deadrising so not surprised on 7, looks like a fun time. Will get when I get an xb1. Interested on Ryse review. Thats the one im interested in seeing how it does.
Love my ps4 so far. KZ story is not good. Just plan awful. Game play is great, story is awful. MP is good too.
1080p is better than 720p, better than 900p. That's just fact. Clearer picture means you can see things better which means you can play the game better....which means you are a better gamer. Fact. Is this worth a news story......maybe not lol
@UNCStriker88 @kargion @Rhythmattic You relize every ps4 buyer all ready knew all that was not at launch and would be patch post, only the xbox people on forums found it as "new news" lol 720p wont matter to the average gamer, only in esports and people who want to be super competitive. If thats the case and they buy an xbox one just play it in 720, problem fixed.
kargion's comments