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kat503 Blog

There gose the power agian

Last night, as we were siting down to dinner, The powere went out agian. We had had some brown-outs right befor. It lasted through dinner, and ended at about 9:30pm. I'm geting really tiered of the power going out. Oh well.

Ugh, I hate wind storms, but at the same time love them

Okay, Thursday there was a huge wind storm. I hade a paper due friday, and I hadn't started it yet, and i was going to type it. :( Earlyer that day, we had lost power during class for a while.(Towards the end of spanish, making it really hard to write down all the homework, and start on it, and at the begining of Chemistry, when we were going to take a test. we still took it, but first we went to one of the english rooms, with alot of windows, and then the power came on, so we went back to the chem lab for the test.) Then after school I stayed untill 4:30 for play practice ( I'm a techie) (we were supose to stay untill 5:00)then my mom picked me up, and we went to my trumpet lesson(started at 5:00, and went till 5:30) and then we went home. We arived home at 6:00, and the power was out. I HAD TO WRITE 3 PAGES OF A REPORT ABOUT THE TEMES IN TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, IN PEN, BY CANDEL LIGHT! :cry: NOT FUN! When I went to bed the power was still out. When I woke up, the power was still out (I have a watch with an alarm) The good news was that my mom and I lissend to a little radio/flashlight thing, and I found out that I had no school that day, the Friday before winter break began! SWEET! :D Unfortunatly there was nothing to do exsept read, becaue by the time my dad got home from work (about 4:30 pm that day) we were still out. And when we left at 5:00 to pick up my brother from the airport, it was still out. FINALLY, when we got home at about 9:00 pm (we ate dinner) the power was back. We were out of power for about 24 hours (We have no clue exsactly when the power whent off or when it came back on) Ya, bitter sweet

He wont stop! I need a hug!

Okay, you guys know that last Thursday, a girl who went to my school commited suiside. Well Every class since that Thursday (including that day, because that is when we got the news) My History teacher has talked about it. He just goes on, and on, and on and WONT BE QUIET! today he read a 4 PAGE INSTRUCTIN PAMPHLE ON HOW TO DEAIL WITH SUICIDE SURVIVERS! I just want him to stop! I want to forget! I'm one of these people, who when something destressing happens, don't go to a conciler, but insted, go off and be. I don't like to talk about it! ( TV.COM is different) But he wont let it die! Why cant he stop :cry: Seriously, I am about to cry over it! And while he read the pamphet, he kept stoping, going indepth about it, and geting destracted. UGGH! If he talks about her, the suiside, or anything else related to it, I might consider killling him, or making a voodoo doll. :cry: I need a hug. :cry:

I had a really sad/bad day

Okay, my day started out fine. First period (drama)went off with out a hich. Then in second period (history) We got word that our class presedent had been Lifelighted to a hospitl, and was in critical condition on life support. Then, later in the period, we got word that she was dead. :cry: I may not have known her very well, but I still cryed alot, onec during that class, and alot during lunch. And it was really quiet. You could hear a pen drop. Alot of people whent home early. In PE (right after lunch) Alot of us were missing, and we were left to our own devises for the period. And in English (the last class of the day, and one of the few that I had shared with her) There was 13 of us out of like 35, And the 13 included the teacher and student teacher. I'm relly sad. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: I need a hug.


I have been at level 2 for like 2 months! AGGH! Now, how long tell level 4? By the way, can someone give me a step by detailed step on how to make contrabutions to the site?

UGGHHH! Stupid weather! I need a hug!

Okay, for the past, like 6 days, I havent been able to get on the internet! We have gotten ALOT of rain, and it messed with my conection. You see I have satilite internet, and the dish wasn't properly alined. So I couldn't get on. On top of that, I had 5 papers due this week and a spanish test, 4 of the papers requierd internet reasurch. I had planed to finish them last weekend, but ceince I had no internet, I had to fall back on my text books. Lukly, one of the paper due dates got moved to next week! And I have a four day weekend. as for the test, I don't think I did too well, even though I studyed. Unfortunatly the guys who were suposto repositon it coulddn't come yesterday like they said, after my mom called them when they were like 2 houres late. And today, they were 1 houer late from (suppos to be here 1-4) Also, today, I had a bad day. A few years ago, I moved in to the area. I met and became friends with two kids a year younger than I. the next year, I moved up a school, and we went a year without seeing each other. Then, when they came up too, they completly ignored me. today, we were finaly talking like we uese to. then the one asked the other if she had gotten permission, and she replied that she hadn't asked. When I asked what it was about, she (the one who asked the other if she had gotten permission)said she was having a little get together wither her friends, and then we went separet ways. I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS! :cry: then I went to Drama class and cureld in to a ball, hoping my other friends would notice something was wrong. They came in, sat down right next to me, looked at me and started talking. WITH OUT ASKING WHAT WAS WRONG! then when we circled up, I whent and stod at the other end of the circle from them. I usally stand next to me. THEY JUST KEPT TALKING, AND DIDN'T NOTICE! I HAVE NO FRIENDS HERE! I! WANT! TO! MOVE! BACK! TO! WERE! I! HAVE! FRIENDS! I NEED A HUG! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

ARGG! Bad day!

Okay, I had a really bad day. For starters, I kept waking up in the middle of the night. Second, I was really sore today, because in PE we did a lot of runing and upper body stuff, combined with endurenc stuff, so my solders and arms were really sore, and I think I pulled something in my leg. Then, In spanish, I found out I hadn't done my homework right, so I got a bad score on it. Science, lunch, and math whent by farly well. Then, my least favorit class, band came up. You see, I have a idiotic, lieing, meany of a director (if you can call him that). He also does chior, but I droped out of thet class, because I kept getting harassed, and he did NOTHING! He also insisted on playing the piano forus, the problem being that he can't play it. ANYWAYS, we have a small band (about 15+ a teachers aid) and I am the only trumpet. I can't go higer then a E on the stafe constintly. I also have a problem playing by my self. If I pay with someone els with the same notes, then I'm fine. The ideot desided to give us a pieace of music, with three movments. I often have solos in the first movment, and it is in 6/8 time. He has us count it as 2/4, which throse me off. And it is a bit dificult, and I can't play it well. The second movent I can play butifuly. But the third one is way too difuclt for e, and he gets mad when I goof up, or get lost, so I'm constently geting frusterated and upset. We are also doing a jazz unit. One problem, besides the fact we don't have the right poporsons for it. I HATE JAZZ! I like to play something with mor strctuer. BUT EVERY WHERE I TURN SOMEONE IS TRYING TO STUFF IT DOWN MY THROGHT! Even my tutor is trying to do it! We also have a playing test next time! UGGH! Then at the end of class, one of the percusionists had the nurve to try and tell me to use a plunger head when doing the jazz stuff! When I got home, I completly broke down in tears! :cry: I HATE BAND! And I have no really good friends at school to talk to. :cry:

Weird Avatar dream

Afew nights ago(like a week or so) I had a weird Avatar Dream. I was flying on Aapa, with the rest of the curent gaang, over the ocean. Sudenly we were fiered at, and Aapa crased(sp). But befor he hit the ground, Katara, Toph, and I fell out, in to the water, right next to a small boat(an avatar like one) which we then climbed into. We wound up at a temple, that welcomed everyone, from any nation. They told us that they had seen what had happened, and had sent someone to bring them to the temple. That's when it gets wierd. The head leader guy then gave us each a room filled with modernday clothing, and told us we could go swiming in any one of their swining sutes I whent to change, and NONE of the swiming suts fit! So I whent to borow one from Tophs room. the wired thing was, where mine was actualy in a room, hers was outside, the "walls" where completly stuffed with cloths on hangers. There was no floor, gust a deeper water swiming area. And Toph was in a bathing sute, SWIMING in the water. I asked if I could borrow a swiming sute and she said sure. And then.....I woke up. So what do you guys think?

I am a little afraid

Okay, remember how on 9/4/06 I had the problems here on the site, in cluding one with a moderator (look back a few blogs)? Well on 9/18/06 he made contact. That moderator made a coment on that blog. I found it a little creepy that he whent to the work to find my blog, and make a coment on it, even though it was old. I also don't think he likes me, and is being a little jugmentle and harsh. What should I do? SHould I report him, or ask a moderator I trust for advice. If I do that, though, he/she/it might get mad at me for wasting their time! HELP! :cry: For your conveinions, the blog was titled I coulden't do anything right! or some thing like that.

My friends here at TV.Com are about to kill me.

Okay, heres why. Today we had a history test, with two essay questions. Out of 22 points I got 22 points correct. On my vocab test in english, I got 13 out of 13 correct. On my paper in the same class, I got +10 out of 10. I have A's in all my classes. Also, most my teachers like me, and I like them. Two are nutural, and one is pure supidity. Over all, exsept for the friends, I like my school, however I wish they would offer mor than spanish for a forign langage. YAY ME! :D :P