kazaa61 / Member

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kazaa61 Blog

it happend again!

Ok today i had a fight with a classm8...AGAIN!

And now the class hates me(AGAIN!)

I feel still dipressed i mean i never had a true friend in real life i wonder how it feels to have one.

Worst of them all is that i lied to my parents and wen't to a party(where my class was) and well i ws there but hideing in the toilets and crying(AGAIN!)

Crying because because i said to my parents that i got alot of friends while i got no-one:cry:

that really did hurt me alot.

And some of you all know the reason why i come here is to fill that empty spot in my hart but well... i can't seem to fill it:(

I feel so dipressed that i start to talking things( like my pencil,and the earaser,a drawing i drew on my hand,...)

i don't know how long i can keep this up i'am still cryng every night like 5 hours(secretly from my parents and sis of course!)

And i know why i don't have friends its because i'am strange and well...i can be good to adults and adults same to me but kids around my ago to me and me to them NO:cry:

I don't know what i shoud do some stuff say you can dissipair from here thats better.

my pencil says i better shoud stay here and well try to make me feel by being here online.

I'am so Desspered for just a true friend i xoud even give my life for one right now...

It happend again! (cry)

Well just like last year it happend again,

i have a fight with my class again.

I'am trying my best to fit in but won't work:(

i get a special hour with a special teacher who helps me with my problem(autism)

The teacher told me that i got communication problems and thats why i can't contact anyone on my age only adults.

But adults arn't same as pepole from my age i mean you know doing stuuf and hanging out.

I also lied to my parents and made them believe i had friends and well also lied to them by saying them i was at a party and i was there but hideing in the bathrooms and crying there till it was done.

My dad picked me up there and i'am a good hider i mean when i cry.

And some at that party(from last year) where also abit crowded from pepole from my school back then!

And this year nothings nothings changed apcept i'am atleast apcepted abit.

I also wanne ask here if there pepole like me out there that also go's to forums because he/she doesn't has friends?

Raise your voices here don't be she.

Greetz kazaa61

I got a Hamster yestoday!!

Hi guys i wanned to tell that i got an hamster yestoday its a dwerghamster( i don't know to translate that in english)

anywho the reason why i coudn't write it yestoday was that i reached my damn internet limits(AGAIN!)

And my hamster is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute its 4month old(thats what the seller told me)

Its my first real animal i got,i had befor that seamonkey's but thats not the same as a real animal like a dog or cat...

Well now i also do got some probs with my hamster and thats that i'am affrid to feed it alot and let it die:(

i hope mybe some of you out there can explain me how to feed them. i puted food on ameduim- spoon then in its thing(where it eats) i hope i'am doing good sofar so good.

Bye all:)

Special topic for aloha!

Ok i made this blog for Aloha from the ADJL forums she made an awsome website for us and i wanne show her i apreciate it alot + she uploaded all season2 episode and i know she diserves a thumb up!

i hope she woud read my blog and hpe sign it too.

the reason why i made this blog is because she's busy alot and cannot lways answer on pm's and on the forums.

so i fought mybe on my blog?

hope she finds some time to do it:)

Aloha thanks again i love your website.

For all who wants aloha's webite link here: http://www.freewebs.com/longlivelong/

Greetz all:)

Yay i got my own comp!

Hi guys i wanne to share that i finally got my own COMP^^

well the comp is kinda old when a family of mine gave it to me it had 64MB ram and windows XP -.-

now i puted a 128MB ram on it so it has 192 kinda enough for now and i orderd 512Mb ram so it has to do for now XD

its a old pc has 24bits colour and is 700Mhz but still good for me because mostly i record moviez and convert them i don't do more stuff with it and i surf online and download episodes and music XD.

TV.com PM problem!

Hi all,

i got a PM problem the masseges won't show:(

mostly i coud read them but today its strange it won't let me read it:cry:

anyone else haveing this problem?


I've been away for 3days!

hi guys,i'am sure you have all noticed i was away this week from thursday till friday.

well you all are proberly wondering where i was well i was near the doune of 3 parts of Belgium( they are,Luxemburg,germany,and Belgium itself)

the 3 part of belgium means also we speak 3 langues here they are Netherlands/dutch , french and german.

we went to the german part and thats near germany and luxemburg.

anywho it was fun there i was there with the school and it was fun the pepole where all nice and the activities where all gr8^^!

My room(with 4 other class m8 and some others) was big and classic:( the others where small and modern(they had TV we diddn't) but we did survice:P!

it was fun and worth to go there:)

i hope some of you woud go there someday:)