kazrules123's forum posts
he grabs a microphone and begans to speak
Jarret: So No mercy is tonight, I ask that the GM Makes me speacial guest refree for the TNA World Title match and screw them both!
Crowd boos Jarret and he laughs
Jarret: If i become speacial refree or not, I will make sure no one walks out as champ!
Kazes music hits as he takes a microphone and heads to the ring, once in the ring kaz talks about his ECW championship match,
Kaz: Matt and RVD you think your alot better then me. From what i remembered Matt you were a mid carder when you came here. And same with you Rob you were a mid but now you won a world title. And soon will come my time.
Kaz raises his arm in the air and smiles with joy.
Kaz: Soon to come NEW ECW WORLD CHAMPION!!!
Kaz leaves
Jeff Jarrets music hits as he makes his way to the ring
Jarret: MY actions last week were for a reason. At least i think so
Laughs and the crowd boos him
Jarret: There is a new era coming the era.....of Jarret
Jarrets music hits as he leaves the ring with a big smile on his face.
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