kbubba92's forum posts
[QUOTE="kbubba92"]ok well me and my sister share a b-room. my towel is one rack in the bathrrom and my ssiters is on another rack. so i go in after she takes a shower and i see my towel is gone (this happens repeatedly and gets very annoying). so i go to her and say stop taking my towel, and she says she didnt, so i go in her room and find the exact towel that i used that day, so i go back to her and say well i found it in your room so stop taking them and she says i didnt take your towel. so i say yes u did i found it your room and guess what shes says...."i did not take your towel". so i say "ummm yea im gonna leave now". ik it sounds like not a big deal but when she denies everything she does it gets really annyoing. she does things like this constantly like leaves the b-room floor completely wet and denies it (even when my dad says its wet). its so annoying, how can i get her to stop doing these things bc it gets very very annoying.Shiggums
Sounds like you contradicted yourself a bit. That could mean maybe you used that towel and that's why it's in the bedroom you share, not "hers"? Think about that?
ummm yeah... anyway its not that she stole my towel lol its that she can deny when proven wrong. its so stupid. but no i do not think its the end of the world. i just wonder how someone can go that far denying something...lol
- Jackass
- Pretty much everything else on MTV
- Pretty much everything on E!, VH1, and lots of things on Comedy Central, including:
- Mind of Mencia, Chappel's Show (the guy was an idiot, totally stupid jokes only dealing with race and his whole success came from his physical appearance as this scrawnly skinny black guy)
- Judge Judy
- Jerry Springer
First person I ever heard to bash Dave Chappele. Wow you really suck.
Dave Chappele isn't funny.
This is madness!
no this is sparta, havent u seen the movie where that one guy kicks that other guy. cmon get with teh program (lol)
lets see hmmm anything on mtv, fuse, any anime, and any kids show.
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