i wanna note that im not spending ANYTHING on this project and this will be the first comp i put together and i want it to be a learning experience. also i want the comp just to surf th e web, check email and maybe play some cs1.6. this is also my first computer. (MINE. i use the families' comp) EDIT: im gonna upgrade this in the future too, little by little.
ok so i wanna put together one computer using parts from two old computers (4-6 years old). i have a custom computer and an hp pavilion computer with the mini tower. i wanna take out all the parts form the two computers and use the case that came with the custom computer. im gonna choose the best parts from each computer and put them together. im gonna use both hard drives, ram sticks, and cd drives. im gonna install windows xp onto it and wipe the hard drives to make one decent computer. what are some things i have to look out for? what can/cannot i (from above) do? what did i miss and will this work?
no i want to choose the best parts out of each system, not put two motherboards together and 2 cpu's. and i just a computer than can run like cs 1.6 and starcraft, for now.
what kind of mobo's does hp make? also, (sry for the questions) im gonna be running linux on it and it already has windows 98 so r there any parts that are only compaitble with windows?
ok this is what i want to do. i have an old computer in the basement that runs windows 98, has 128mb RAM, and has an 800mhz intel pentium 3 processor. i also want to buy my nrhigbors computer which is identical to mine but it is an hp pavilion mini tower. i want to buy a brand new case and put the 2 computers "together" in the new case. in the future i will also upgrade much. is it possible to do this? and what/how should i "combine" them? plz help
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