Ok ready for a really long a$$ quiz, well you got it. :P:P:P:P
1. Are your parents married or divorce : Married, Just had their 30th wedding anniversay in Jan
2. Are you a vegetarian? Nope, I like my Meat!!!
3. Do you believe in Heaven? Not sure
4. Have you ever come close to dying? When I was born. Long story on that one. :)
5. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? I always have my earrings in, and my watch. I go crazy if I don't have my watch on.
6. Favorite time of day? Sunset, I'm a complete night person, and thats when night starts. :P
7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yup
8. Do you wear makeup? Just mascara and lip gloss, more if I'm going somewhere more then just work. :)
9. Ever have plastic surgery? Nope
10. Do you color your hair? Just highlights everynow and then. :)
11. What do you wear to bed? A whole lot of nothing....Well you asked. :P
12. Have you ever done anything illegal? Hahaha Maybe :twisted:
13. Can you roll your tongue? Yup, I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue too.
14. Do you tweeze your eyebrows? Nope, mine are thin and blonde, no need too
15. What kind of sneakers? Whatever style I like and if its comfy, but mainly Sketchers
16. What is your Hair color? Dark blonde with lighter blonde and red highlights.
17. Future child's name? Kaylee or Kayla after my grandma Kay
18. Do you snore? I have no clue, I'm asleep.
19. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? ITALY!!!!! Or back to Greece or England
20. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Not in a while, I have cats for that now.
21. If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Go FRICKEN NUTS!!!!!!
22. Gold or silver? Silver
23. Hamburger or hot dog? Burger, but I do love a grilled dog too. :P
24. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Do I have to pick just one?? I LOVE food. ;)
25. City, beach or country? BEACH!!!!
26. What was the last thing you touched? My mouse
27. Where did you eat last? Right here in front of the computer, sad huh??
28. When's the last time you cry last? It was while watching AHBL Pt 2, but then I watched Heroes finale. :(
29. Do you read blogs? Hahaha YAH!!
30. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? Why not.
31. Ever been involved with the police? Once or twice, I use to have some drama crazy friends
32. What's your favorite shampoo conditioner and soap? Herbal Essences or Sheer Blonde
33. Do you talk in your sleep? Again I'm ASLEEP!!!
34. Ocean or pool? Ocean, I like the feel of the waves.
35. Window seat or aisle? Aisle, expecially on planes. (not the best flier, haha)
36. Ever met anyone famous? Nope, I'm a loser. :P
37. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? No, Not really
38. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I'm a twirler, haha
39. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? I don't watch either
40. Basketball or Football? Thats a tough on, I'd rather play basketball, but watch football. :)
41. How long do your showers last? 15-20 at most
42. Automatic or do you drive a stick? Automatic, never learned to drive stick.
43. Cake or ice cream? Cake with my ice cream, haha
44. Are you self-conscious? All the time
45. Have you ever drunk so much you threw up? Yah, but I've only puked from drinking to much beer, I can hold my Hard A
46. Have you ever given money to a homeless person? Yah, couple times
47. Have you been in love? Yes I have, I miss it. :(
48. Where do you wish you were? On a beach somewhere nice and warm
49. Are you wearing socks? When I have too.
50. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Nope
51. Can you tango? Not well, self taught ;)
52. Last gift you received? Movie tickets from a friend
53. Last sport you played? Does Swimming count, I love to swim :):)
54. Things you spend a lot of money on?He He He ok, so what if my movie collection is like over 700, and thats not even counting my tv on dvd, whats it to you. :P:P
55. Where do you live? Spokane, WA and no it doesn't rain here like Seattle, We have great big mountians between them and us. :)
56. Where were you born? Lakenheath, England
57. Last wedding attended? My best friend Dawn, over in Bellingham WA
58. Favorite fast food restaurant? ARBYS!!!
59. Most hated food? Liver, Ewwwwww
60. What's your least favorite film? Thirteen Ghost or Any Ghost movie, I love horror movies, but ghost ones just wig me out!!!
61. Can you sing? Hahahahhahaa
62. Last person you instant messaged? Haha it was a three way with Engels and Diva, haha
63. Last place you went on holiday ? VEGAS!!!!
64. Favorite regular drink? Water
65. Current Crush? Hmmmm Does Dean/Jensen count???
I changed this one a little bit
True or False or my own version of the answer, haha
I Talk A LOT when I get really nervous: More like giggle like a crazy person
I am really ticklish. HeHeHe True
I'm afraid of the dark. Yup, I am.
I can't sleep in a room if the door is open Doesn't matter either way
I can't sleep in a room if the door is closed See next one up
I am homosexual. Nope
I believe in true love. I use too
I've ran away from home When I was like 6, but who didn't. :P
I listen to political music Not really
I collect comic books Nope
I shut others out when I'm sad. Actually thats the one time I ALWAYS go to my friends
I've stayed out all night. I'm 28, I would hope so. :P
I open up to others easily. Yah once I get over my shyness
I am keeping a secret from the world. Not that I can think of
I watch the news. Nope, its a scary place out there.
I love Disney movies. Hell Yah, I was born and raised on them. :)
I am a sucker for green eyes. HeHeHe Jensen you got pretty eyes.
I am a sucker for brown eyes. Depends on the person like Milo Ventimiglia, heck yah
I am a sucker for blue eyes. Of Coarse
I don't kill bugs Cuz their evil and are planning to kill me instead, if I do
I have "x"s in my screen name. Nope I don't.
I've slipped and fell in public. Hahaha more times then I would like to admitt
I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation. No, Cuz since I'm a giggly person in real life, I giggle on here too, that what all my hahaha's are. :)
I love Spam I have never eaten spam, but I've heard its made of people. ;)
I bake well. Yup I do I do
I have worn pajamas to **** I'm not sure what **** is, but I'm gonna say probably not:twisted:
I want a better job. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talked on a phone for 6+ hours. No, Not a big phone person on here, I'm a multi tasker, and its hard to multi task on the phone.
I love Dr. Phil-Nope, I really don't
I like multiple people ... HAHAHA GT here I come
I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS. That is just obnoxious
I am self-conscious. All like time, But I think I just answered this, haha
I love to laugh. Hahahahaha what..... No.... :lol:
I drink alcohol on a regular basis. Not really
I have tried a cigarette. Oh yah, if I'm drinkin I better have a cig in my hand.
I have smoked a pack in one day. Only when I'm drunk, other then that I can't stand cigs at all.
I loved Lord of the Flies. HUH???
I have cough drops when I'm not sick,Why would you have cough drops if your not sick??
I can't swallow pills. Hahaha I can, but you have to see the way I take them to get them down, hah
I have a lot of scars. Yes a big one on my back, and some on my right foot. I was born with Spina Bifida.
I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room. YES!!! They are truely the devil!!!
I like chocolate. MMMmmmm Chocolate, damn it, now I need chocolate
I bite my nails. I chew more on my cuticles then my nails
I am not comfortable with being me I pretty comfy with me now.
I play computer games when I'm bored. I have SNES's Earth Bound on my puter, does that count??
Gotten lost in the city. Yah, I'm blonde
Thought of suicide before. Actually I never have, I've always thought its a permanate solution to a temperary problem. :):):) Plus if you all knew me in real life, I'm the always happy girl, I'm the person they send to cheer everyone else up. :):)
Seen a shooting star. I wish on they all the time.
Gone out in public in my pajamas Yup, we use to alway go to the ghetto safeway(grocery store) to get breakfast in our PJ's
Hugged a stranger. Yah I have, but he was REALLY HOT, so I felt I need too. :twisted::twisted:
Been in a fist fight. Nope, I shy away from comfrontation.
Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of my nose Hahaha yah I have, to make it worst I believe it was somethine alcoholic and burned soooo bad!!
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator. HeHe I love doing this in vegas, as we get off the elevator
Made out in an elevator. Oh this one time at sears I madeout with a co/worker in the elevator, haha but SHHHHH don't tell anyone. :P:P
Been skydiving. Afraid of heights, so NO!!!
Been bungee jumping Something about being attached to a giant rubber band, just doesn't appeal to me, haha
Gotten stitches. OH YAH, and they are painful to get back out (this was back in the day before dissolving ones)
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour, Ewww... Not a big milk person.
Bitten someone :twisted::twisted: He He He NO He He He :twisted::twisted:
Been to Niagara Falls. Nope
Gotten the chicken pox. Yup
Crashed into a car .. I had just learned to ride no-handed on a bike and I came to a street where I needed to turn and the bike never turned, I went straight into a parked car. GO ME!!!
Been to Germany. Got sent there for all my doctor appts when we lived in Greece, and was sent there to have surgury on my back from England when I was a day old.
Ridden in a taxi. Yup, Vegas taxi drivers are fricken CRAZY!!!!!
[ X by accident!] ... ????????
Been fired. Nope
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back. Yah Story of my life.
Stole something from your job. Does food count?? haha
Gone on a blind date. Nope
Had a crush on a teacher/coach. Not really, teachers only look that good on tv. :P
Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans. No, but I want too.
Slept with a co-worker, and/or employee Sex, No, Made out, Yes Been married Nope
Gotten divorced Nope
Saw someone/something dying. Does SN count?? ;)
Have a list of people you want to kill. People/Demons, same thing. :P
Ridden in a car over 400 miles in one day Yup, definitely Road trip anyone!!!
Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Yup, I even know the Time Warp Dance. :P:P
Thrown up in a bar. Thank God NO!!
Eaten sushi. Yup
Cried in public. Today at work when I got sick. :(
Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed. Do I look stupid??, wait...don't answer that.
Liked someone even though you knew you shouldn't have. HeHe yah
Thought of someone a lot lately Yup.:) [/spoiler]
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