Got this from Firefly317 :):):):):)
Which episode got you hooked on Bones? I was hooked from the pilot on, but the Man in the bear episode definitely cemented me to the show.
Top Favorite Episodes: Man in the Fallout Shelter, Woman at the Airport, The Skull in the Desert, The Man with the Bone, Woman in the Sand, Aliens in the Spaceship, Girl in the Gator and The Bodies in the Book.
Which guest character do you enjoy most? (Recurring or one time guest star) Heavy D-Sid, I miss his character. Eddie McClintock-Sulley, I didn't really like the pairing of him and Brennan, but I loved him paired with Booth, the way they were trying to one up the other was great to watch.
Wong Foo's or Royal Diner? I miss Wong Foo's and Sid. :(
Favorite Quote? Episode 1x06 Man in the Wall :Booth: What happened?
Brennan: (After inhaling in the meth cloud) Well, the Egyptians would give the body a cedar oil enema and then rinse it with wine and cover it with salt, but I don't think that's what happened here.
Booth: Bones, you are totally wasted.
Brennan: Zack, Zack, Zack. Come here, come here. Isn't this a beautiful specimen of mummification?
Zack: What's going on?
Booth: Let's just say your boss inhaled.
Episode 1x09 Man in the Fallout Shelter:Booth: Bones, it's after midnight. Hm? Christmas Eve day. Both an Eve and a day it's a Christmas miracle.
Bones: Still enjoying your medication I see.
The Man in the Morge: Zack: I could fly down there to help Dr. Brennan.
Brennan: A: Tomorrow's my last day, and B: The sex on the coffins thing is not guaranteed.
Brennan: God, I'm hungry.
Booth: Well, when was the last time you ate? (Brennan rolls her eyes) Oh, my bad. You have amnesia.
Character you first fell in love with: Zach
Chracter you think you're most like: Angela or Zach
character other people tell you you're most like: I've never had anyone tell me I'm most like a Bones character. :P
character you never expected to like, but you do: Hodgins or Angela
character you want to have a one night stand with: Booth
character you want to marry: Booth or Zach (I think hes just to cute and naive sometimes)
pairing you LOVE: Hodgins and Angela
pairing you don't love: Sully and Brennan
If you couldn't pick the usually pairings (HA, BB) who would you put together? Zach/Anybody the poor boy needs to get some action already :)
Favorite Bones fanfiction: Haven't read any yet, so I'll have to get on that.
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