Here is hoping its a issue with the deployment or a small build issue. I have tomorrow off and am really looking forward to getting back into the flight. The first one was really good , I think this will be my MP game of the year.
@m4a5: If Sony ever allows GamePass on Playstation Microsoft would be happy to put every first party game on Playstation. I am sure of it. However that deal would be very complicated due to third party titles. Do you allow them on PS Game Pass ? If so Sony would need more of a cut of Game Pass subs because they would lose sales. Or do you do a Xbox first party Game Pass sub on Playstation at 10 bucks a month or whatever so there is no conflict.
@phili878: Yeah it's way out of proportion but it looks cooler if the bend is "closer". Plus for an MP map I would prefer cooler looking over "accuracy"
I understand the need to restrict play times so you can funnel all players at the same time to stress test. But it still sucks. I had such a blast playing the first flight. I would imagine a "release candidate" level open beta maybe late October to really hammer them servers
@PETERAKO: Long term if it's successful enough the servers will be on for a very long time. GTA V still going. Some Halo 2 servers were up until recently now you have to go to MCC. If it's not successful very few people will care. Even longer term someone will eventually crack it and make their own server if they right people care. Before all of that there will be a GT8.
keiser69's comments