kenmid's forum posts
First of all; Sony can afford to loose money is B.S. Sony loss 2 billion dollarslast quater. Second, think about it;if Sony lowers its price after one year What makes you think Microsoft would't lower their price after two years.
The graphics for the character faces have improved so much it's ridiculous.
I could've sworn I've seen that guy somewhere, before (the new one)...
Enviorments don't look to bad.
E3 2005
JUNE 2007
An interesting comparison of the visual techniques used in the creation of Mass Effect's main character. The differences from the E3 2005 build with the latest screenshots are quite impressive.
Why am i not seeing anythingelseon the xbox 360 that looks on par with gears.Arent graphics gonna constanly improve.When cows say the ps3 graphics will improve isnt it that lemmings say that the 360 wont be standing still.But i see the ps3 constantly improving graphics whereas SINCE GEARS IT SEEMS THAT THE GRAPHICAL PROGRESSION IN 360 GAMES HAVE STOPPED.This is what happens if ur console is easy to develop for.
At the end of 2007 gears will still be the best looking game on xbox 360 and u can quote me on that.
If any 360 owner trully believes that there will be a game on xbox 360 which will DESTROY gears GRAPHICALLY then i think u will be pretty disappointed by the future.
JUST REMEMBER PEOPLE if a console is easier to develop for then it's potential will be realised ALOT quicker than a console which is difficult to develop for.
How long have you been developing games? You seem to know so much about the ps3 and x360 hardware.
[QUOTE="Supafly1"][QUOTE="GermanShepard06"][QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="GermanShepard06"]It will be pretty much their own show.
Alot is going to change after E3 and i know it.
wasn't this claimed last year too?
nope, and how can it bewhen ps3 wasnt even out yet?
Wii wasn't out either and yet it stole the show while PS3 was a big dissapointment.
and x360 wasnt even mentioned or if the thing even exists, we all know that sony didnt have much cuz it was too early. You watch and see what is going to happen at this E3, Sony is going to showno mercy.
- The Darkness
- Stranglehold
- Bioshock
- Mass Effect
- Alone in the Dark
- Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
- Crysis
- Haze
- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
- Left 4 Dead
- Splinter Cell: Conviction
- Assassin's Creed
- LittleBigPlanet
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Rock Band or Guitar Hero III
- Uncharted
- Heavenly Sword
Hour of Victory (when it's $20)
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
L.A. Noire
Indiana Jones
The Crossing
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Call of Duty 4
Burnout Paradise
Halo 3
White Gold: War in Paradise (SHARKRIDING!!)So that's potentially 30 games from now till December 31st. 2007 is stupid.
that's a lot of money.
Halo 3
Ncaa Football 2008
Madden 2008
Unreal Tournament
CAll of Duty
splinter Cell
Nba 2k8
Grand Theft Auto
Total=480(im going to be broke)
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