@AuronAXE The irony is most gamers don't want useless innovation, they want the focus to be on making awesome games. I guess the joke's on the shareholders when it doesn't sell well lol. Actually, as well. It'll probably still do fairly decent on the market.
My local Gamestop has never sold games to people under their rating before. EVER. Why is this bill threatening in the first place?
As far as the article, well said and I agree. Although some games can have the best of both worlds, intense violence that provides the visual spectacle and, as Gamespot would say, those "oh snap!" moments and still use a message with it. Like Prototype one and two for example. You literally reduce your enemies into bloody pulp and eat them through your skin. However, those games follow the path the characters take into becoming these monsters and the violence drives that point home. In prototype one its all about how far you are willing to descend into this unhallowed role in order to recover your past while in Prototype 2 it's about how far the character is wiling to go to seek out his revenge, using that "monster" image even further.
Although games are all about doing what you really can't and that includes bloody killing sprees... well, perhaps it's that mindset that is getting us in trouble. I don't know the answer, but I enjoyed this article as a fresh new perspective on the situation, thank you.
I never understood why someone wouldn't buy a game because of this. I don't like it either but don't you want to find out how the story continues? You know it'll be generally fun if you liked the other two. I know I will get this game eventually because I need to know what happens in the story, it's a really good story line...
@BloodyAura Actualy you'll notice in the video that it's not what is normally on the screen that is projected, it's what is OFF the screen. So just buying a projector would just give you a frustrating experience, unless you had a bank wall.
The point of this is to immerse the player. In the video as it changes games, what is projected changes, from blurry versions of the game space (peripheral vision type effect), to simply ambient effects (the snow in Mario Kart). It's actually quite interesting as it seems each developer can change what is projected in their game. No guarantees that's how it will work in the end but it's a hope...
As for dlc, it is DLC. Don't want it don't buy it. Simple as that guys. They are a business, as much as you want to think game companies do what they do to make you happy, they don't They make you happy to get your money. That's capitalism. They may have been founded originally to make people happy but they also had the idea of money in mind. Money drives everything, want more stuff? pay more.
The game is $60 for a full campaign with continuation of a great story and what seems to be many new amazing features to breathe new life into the series. Its just as much content as any other $60 game.
Let me summarize with a metaphor; you want basic cable? Pay the basic cable fee. You want 100 movie channels and HD channels? That costs extra.
P.S. sorry if my tone seems a bit hostile but people have been complaining about paying for dlc a lot lately and it's starting to really get to me.
@diegocancun I don't think so because to lift something you use energy while going through the portal uses no energy to lift the ball. Unless the portals themselves are energy sources that can dispense energy to whatever passes through them or something.
@moviequest14 I get what you're saying and i agree. Kinect games could be more complex but we need to improve the tech first. Microsoft is leading that. My real point is Kinect has potential and it would be a shame to see it lost. My other reasons for preferring microsoft are really just fanboy basically. I cant deny that. Im just used to them and i have more of a history with them. On a personal level Microsoft is better for me. I too hope kinect advances past simple games but they are still good games. Idk now its really just my opinion lol. No one's gonna see this anyway but i dont like not responding to people when they prompt me for an answer. It's rude
@moviequest14 Dont reply to people like Coleman, just ignore them :/ but what im saying is microsoft has a great thing in the kinect that Sony can't do themselves. I dont care what anyone says, kinect sports, kinect adventures, just dance, are all fun. With sequels those are over 5 games. Sure nintendo already did them but they are even better on kinect! nd they may not have a AAA budget but they are just as much fun as one. IMO, if you disagree well whatever lol. Its an opinion. You seem smart though so im sure you understand. And well It's never been a problem for me or anyone I know while PS3's hacking problems has been.
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