I'm sure this game can bounce back if he's still into it but it'll cost him more time and perhaps money to market and get the word out of this game. Also, I hope this article also helped in putting this gem on the radar. I didn't even know this game existed until I've read this article. Anyway, good luck and may he make more good games.
As of now, isn't the tech too expensive the 3D TV/HDTV as far as I know is expensive as hell both with or without the use of 3D glasses but especially without the 3D glasses. In this case it'll be in a smaller scale so I guess that'll be cheaper. I still can't help but think how will they come up with this one using the 3D tech. This is interesting indeed. I guess we'll just wait and see for it to come out and perhaps an in-depth review or preview would be out soon. Nintendo just keeps on revolutionizing the face of innovative gaming. I hope it won't be a disappointment once it'll be on the market.
Good one! lol Just one thing to say though. People should play to have fun or kill some time. I guess there's something wrong with people if they take it seriously and bring it to the next level in which it incurs violence, rage and other negative emotional impact. lol. So, play, have fun. If you're not having fun playing, then don't play. Easy.
Great article and information (incl. pics) on the wii motionplus. What I really would love to see on the wiimote side of things is an upgraded version. Like better battery and rechargeable without relying on third party. Perhaps they could opt for a li-ion rechargeable wiimote or anything innovative since it's already high tech. Sorry to say this but having to use AA batteries is a hassle unless of course you're using the third party rechargeables for the wiimote out there. So, yeah dunno why they didn't address the power side of the wiimote for a long time now.
They really don't get it. It's simple, people never liked DRM not only in games but also in music. Just face the facts. And yeah, during those desperate times they developed StarForce, which lead to an ugly downfall of that protection. It was intrusive and stupid protection anyway. Besides people will buy good stuff. If publishers releases a demo before the release dates, people would know if the game sucked or not which leads them to buying it or not. Well anyway, another protection that's great is condom. haha
Maybe not in the FPS games but it's pretty useful on MMORPG games. It's pretty much annoying when this things are enabled on FPS, it usually killed the game most of the time due to distraction. But this is nice info.
As far as the technology is concern now, I don't think this will click or gain popularity sooner. Since it is internet-based technology and the internet is not stable due to bandwidth constraints, this will be a big problem facing this type of gaming console on the market. Unless of course the game available on this console will be like super mario (NES) and/or some flash games like the ones on newgrounds but for a big title heavy graphics game and on the internet that would totally face a huge bandwidth crisis. Well, anyway we will just see til it comes out commercially. Personally, I think this will die before it even multiplies but who knows...
wow. ati got good textures compared to nvidia. i'm guessing it's driver issues. anyway, nice info. my 8800gt oc and q6600 would be enough although not on the very distant viewing range or something. and yeah most mmo's got the lag when there are a lot of people roaming around you if seen on screen. haha.
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