mgs3 against the end.
keohane122's forum posts
i agree it was a great game especially the combat system were you had to time your attacks to chain it.
that would be great but i herd that they were making some apperances non playable but they talk. And as for the roster you were close theres 22 characters 10 villians and 10 heros plus 2 hidden characters. I hope they make extra add ons along the way.Since I read that Dissidia: Final Fantasy was a downloadable game in Japan, I was wondering if they would (In the near future) support this game with addons through the PSN. The playable character list is an amazing 24 characters (I Think), but at the same time it is very basic. I am pretty sure many people (including me) would like to be able to use all those favorite side characters like Auron (FFX), Vincent (FFVII), or Irvine (FFVIII). What do you guys think?
its not going to get any better then ff7 unless your talking about gameplay like ff12So it seems that just about every RPG on the PSP is an action RPG (like Crisis Core or Star Ocean). And truthfully I am tired of them. Is there any decent turnbased RPGs for the PSP?
I know there is the first two Final Fantasys remade and they were good(own them both). FF7 was also more of an action RPG because it was always moving.(Downloaded FF7 off PSN, like I said, not really my style. Would have liked it more with a traditional turnbased battle sytem.)
So what good oldschool, turnbased, (preferably non JRPG, but still welcomed) RPGSs are there for the PSP.
PS. no Grid based RPGs (ex. FF tacticts, Disgiea)
thats true the game looks great though im gunna give square a break since its there first attempt for a FF fighting game.[QUOTE="keohane122"][QUOTE="-Oath"]
I used FAQS. The story is a jumbled mess. I culdnt get into it simply because it wasnt classic FF formula.
Im not. Square Enix isnt new to game developement, they've made games with some of the best stories to date but they cant make a GOOD cross over FF crossover story? Shame....
This game has a whole bunch of things Square couldve EASILY improved... but they didnt.
well im not saying ur wrong im just a die hard FF fan andthis game looks like it could be a psp bestseller.well do you understand japanese because i herd the story was good.[QUOTE="keohane122"][QUOTE="-Oath"]
Already have it in Japanese. Its ok, not as godly as people praise it to be to warrant a US copy purchase.
I used FAQS. The story is a jumbled mess. I culdnt get into it simply because it wasnt classic FF formula.
thats true the game looks great though im gunna give square a break since its there first attempt for a FF fighting game.
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