I'm so jealous of PC gamers getting mods. I think I will break and just buy Skyrim for PC, I already have 1000/1000 on 360, and have beat the majority of the game in the 150 hours I've put into it. So switching platforms might make it fresh again :D Plus, bear mounts!
When Cortez mentioned his husband I didn't even really think about it, I thought it was a touching story of lost love. But then again, I'm not a closed minded idiot. As for day one DLC, I don't care, I got it in my collector's edition anyways. And I thought it was clever that Chobot has a major cameo as a reporter, though I do agree they definitely over sexualized her body. Oh and I obviously have to add how much I am in love with Mass Effect 3, best of the series, and in my top games of all time. An excellent game to end a truly brilliant sci-fi story.
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