This is definitely a game you can get lost in. At least for me it was. The world is huge and the graphics are some of the best the ps2 ever had, there is a ton of extra stuff such as hidden bosses and areas and a ton of rare monsters that can be really tricky to find. The battle system is what really attracted me to the game. Going away from the timed system and actually being able to initiate the battles was a major plus for me. I sometimes felt like fighting was a chore in previous games and that went away for me in this one. You are able to control your whole party and can still be in total control of what is going on, there is a gambit system that can automate the fighting in a way but there is no one saying it has to be used. Plus as the game gets harder using gambits doesn't work that well and you really have to know what you are doing. I'd say this game is worth a try if you enjoyed 7 and 10. And as for the series losing you with the ps3 version I agree, xiii was horrible in my opinion and was extremely automated. I mean you can only control one of your party members while the other two just do their own thing. Worst ff I have played.
Yeah I'm going back a ways, but I recently started playing ffxii again and it reinforced my opinion that this is the best in the series. The reason I think it stands out is all the extra stuff that can be done. This game really gets good if you take the time to fight the harder marks all the way up to Yiazmat and also do some rare monster hunting. This is the first ff I ever played so that might be why I enjoy it so much, but I have beaten vii, x, and xiii now and I still think 12 is the best one. Does anyone else think this game deserves more credit? p.s. Is ix worth playing?
I played Dark Souls a lot last year and I loved it. One of the best games ever made in my opinion. I've put a lot of hours into Dark Souls and have been playing other games like Skyrim, Battlefield, and a few others, but I find that I keep comparing them to Dark Souls and just getting bored and going back to playing Dark Souls. The only game I have actually fully beat since Dark Souls is the ocarina of time. I recently started playing Borderlands 2 and its a good game, but it just seemed to get repetitive and I'm back to Dark Souls. My point is that Dark Souls seems to have lessened my enjoyment of other games to an extent. I may just have it up on a pedestal but I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
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