how does it work or will it work for the wii, cause dont we kind of already have it with smash bros and downloadable levels. if we can download levels whats stopping other things
they should make nhl for wii, some people on the forum have mentioned it, but i dont think it would need motion control, like just have A to shoot B to pass maybe to dekes with the d pad, i would love to see it
is there anything w can do to get to nintend about this problem, im mean im not big on like online petitions that dont work, but there has to be soomething we can do, if they see all most all there users wanting an external hard drive, cause i havent talkd to one owner who doesnt think they should have one, even if nintendo says its not neccesarry, and i dont want it just so rock band can have dlc but what about all the wii ware i mean it help out with that so much, its almost common sense that we need one and there has to be a way forn nintendo to see it
anyone play guitar hero 1 it didnt have DLC but it was awesome, same with guitar hero 2 and 3 for the wii. i still play it and think it has great replay value, even without downloadable content, but i guess now a days gamers just want so much more and cant appreciate a game for what its worth It says that there is is a new microphone out for rock bacd, and they say it works with the wii, i dunno if these even means anything but lets hope so
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