Not that the music in the game isn't AWESOME enough. Can you upload your own music into the game where it plays through a radiostation, like the previous games? If there is, please tell me how, because i can't seem to find it.
I second your opinion. If one version is better it should be recognize over the other. They are the same game and same code. GR is powered by Cnet, which powers Gamespot.
Have you posted this concern on the metacritic forum? For the most part except Lair those games are great games. The only reason i can think of is if the normal distribution has the average at 50%. Than again that wouldn't support the over-rated scores for the other games.
I've been contemplating which of these two i should get. I would like to hear from what you guys think. I need the high capacity but i really want the touch interface. Why couldn't apple make a 160GB ipod touch?
As someone from Minnesota and a fan of KG, I really support KG's decision. KG deserves a championship and I knew for a long time that it wasn't going to be done here in Minnesota. To KG, wish the best of luck to you, and hope you get the Championship you deserve.
Wait... i thought it WAS over-rated. Well, guess it revived a dead FPS feel on the consoles since Golden Eye. Just think about it, an envy console FPS player lookn' at all the goodies the PC had. And when a great game like Halo comes in and overly-hypes Master Chief to masterpiece. It was a way console FPS player to say something that PC guys couldn't have i guess (for awhile atleast). Except the PC guys didn't care because they knew their interface was better evolved.
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