halo 3 will most likely outsell gears of war 2 on hype alone. me personally i will take any game over halo 2. halo 1 was phenominal, but they missed it the second go around. as for gears? excellent eye candy and animations, but after a while its a bit repetitive and uninspiring. im anxious to see how each of these titles will be in the coming years.
yeah i went from a 51" projection to a 40" LCD 1080p and the PS3 and 360 both look worlds better, however the wii looked much worse than it did on the projection. i picked up the cables and it cleaned up alooot of the jags and noise when running in 480p on the wii. your problem may be that your tv doesnt support 480p. just because it supports component doesnt mean it is progressive. ive had a few TVs in which that was the case.
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