Haha, EA games. This would concern me if they had just one game that was actually decent, considering BF3 is about as fun as getting your teeth pulled and I wouldn't be caught dead in the Mass Effect fanbase now.
The people who only play Battlefield 3 and willingly give their money for crappy DLC for a boring and broken excuse for a game in a boring and overdone genre need to stop calling themselves gamers.
If publishers keep pushing against used games, they're only going to render themselves obsolete and bankrupt. They hate gamestop and GAME, but if and when they go under, developers won't need the insane production budgets anymore, it costs significantly less to sell a game via digital distribution, and they would make more, Plus the developers (aka the people that make and love the games) are getting the money, so they can make more games without publishers. Companies like EA and Ubisoft apparently are so short-sighted that they want to get rid of used games but don't realize that when they do they won't be needed anymore, like how musicians can sell their music on Itunes now and really don't need much money to make a hit.
About the exploration: Exploration becomes boring when there's no incentive to explore, no rewards for doing it other than looking at nice scenery. That becomes boring fast, which is why Far Cry 2's driving sucked so much. To make it fun, you have to make it worthwhile, like what Infamous did. I free roamed for hours just collecting all the stuff because it was easy to find, doing side missions whenever they popped up because they had a viable, tangible reward. Obviously you can't quite do that in Far Cry 3, so if we're going to keep on the track of enemies always attacking everything in sight, give them money that can be used for upgrades, and make it last. And put collectibles throughout the world that are easy to collect.
@awheaten So it's a "you can't like what I don't like argument"? Well if that's the case, I want to burn all holy books ever. You can't enjoy religion because I don't. You also can't enjoy movies either, because I hate them too. Also, you can't enjoy any video game that is a first person shooter because I hate those.
@Awheaten You are talking about god. I have yet to meet an atheist that is against homosexuality. No, indifference doesn't count. I doubt there's many people out there that don't like homosexuality for any reason other than their god told them not to.
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