kier1992's forum posts
Today is an horrible day for me, its raining and i am offical bored know i thought i could watch tv shows/movies from computer all day but it does get boring after a couple to just be sitting there.#
So theni thought to myself i would like to play games but what ones? on the computer i mean so there free! anyway has anyone got any ideas of games that you play and that will last more than a day?
I have some but ive been there played them got bored; Battleon, Slavehack, runescape (not broing just cant be bothered to start again).
^^^ already have shown it, and yes i agree xbox vs ps3 is getting childish know... also i have another new idea which ill put up on the first page aswell;
*If this isnt been said already which i think it has* June 11th Sony will be saying that the home cinemas will let you watch movies and tv shows out your demand! from movies in the cinemas to films that are buyable, tv shows from fox and skyone and more.... theyll also comfirm price ranges like 3.50 for a movie in cinemas 1.50-3.00 for movie thats a film and tv shows for aslittle as 75p.
Ive added some comments on the front page so read know! also looking for more ideas so i can list them all.
Demos comes out demons...?
Well i begin by saying i can rarely keep a thread up in first page but every day ill try and update it to first page for people to post.
I also cant keep a thread alive for more than 2 pages lol all my threads seem to die off fast so keep this alive!
Well like the title says "What do you think they plan for June 11th?" its ment to be this big thing that only xbox fans can only dream
off, but what really is that big?
My thoughts would be;
1) There going to tell that there is a game they have been working on,
know what game though? i think if they say this company is working on the game it will most likly be a follow up/remake
of a game thats already out.
It could be a that a company is making that isnt a follow up / remake.
Or Sony themselves could be making a game, but like the others what will it be?
Possibly an adventure/shooter/action game, why? cause they want to beat halo 3.
Im also thinking it could be an RPG game, due to they made "Everquest online adventures" where they would update it so often
and pay a subscription they could make a follow up or remake it with a new name.
2) Last thing that would be big is update 2.0 maybe adding features that are unblieveable like windows media player streaming
and much more?
What do you think post your ideas, and every so often ill write a feed back for every one
New stuff 08/06/07
A new idea Sony could annouce information for the agency with a trailer aswell and 50 mixes of demos and trailers (more demons than trailers though, could also add
another new game to make the annoucment more than awsome it then would be a dream for xbox fans)
*If this isnt been said already which i think it has* June 11th Sony will be saying that the home cinemas will let you watch movies and tv shows out your demand! from movies in the cinemas to films that are buyable, tv shows from fox and skyone and more.... theyll also comfirm price ranges like 3.50 for a movie in cinemas 1.50-3.00 for movie thats a film and tv shows for aslittle as 75p.
Know for the comments,i read through my topic and post comments i hope you are all still reading this =)
Page 1 comments
yanks1112 i sure it want be god of war 3 although that would kick.
libthegod Yeah that would suck Pacman Anniversary 3D and can use sixais control, wow sony well done =)
davez82 hmm sounds instreating about using engine for killzone 2 for different game like socom 4 but if they have already annouced
socom 4and of course kill zone 2 is already in the makes why would they want to make another shooter game for this year?
ajamjkm Hmm sonys secert weapon ff7 to be realsed when halo 3 comes out
d_ano Funny but think bigger!
xcoregamerskill wow i do wish lol id bring 6-9 pot noddles so i could get in haha.
D_Williams new feature for home but it would have to be big, and they could just annouce a new feature aswell as a new game :p
Nike_Air yes very true i love your point, this is probley a stir and want be as big as every one is thinking it will be but
it will be big *hopes*
Shadowhawk2606 It will be big lol
Danthegamingman Hmm i wounder how much they would have to pay to use it and msn?
VampiraJen lets hope we aint all getting ourselves hyped up i want it to be the real thing this time, "windows media player a MICROSOFT creation" no one
said it wasnt...
aka_aj03 could be that the realse trailers and some more info for this game.
E_x_i_l_e hmm well ill have to find something that uses windows media player 11 to see if it actually works, although
how comes microsoft havent complain?
Pyromaniac8705 dream on? gears of war 2 exclusive would be the day.
Page 2 comments
avlin1122 another fact " It's not really Sony's ***to say that it's going to make 360-fans drool. They're a bit more business-like."
ovadose85 whens e3?
Luxen90 wardevil = ???
phoonbaba098 not a fanboy of GTA but you have a good conclusion that sums up but still its ment to be big....
mustaf_nur89 never, give up know
xcoregamerskill would be sweet, but why wait? people can try an image what it will be
The_Tombo sounds sweet maybe an extension to the cinema that you pay 1.50 or 4.00 to watch any films depending on what
it is but a list of over 500 movies and upgrades every time (if it hasnt been annouced already -.-)
and TRUE
irk_t_great thats what i mean it needs to be something new if its a so called new game, although im still sticking with
that it would be an RPG/Adventure ... but i defently think it will be a hudge online game and they will have updates prepared
for the game every month.
xcoregamerskill HDDVD i dont need to watch them on a ps3 although it would come in handy but then what use would i have for my dvd player?
-Sniper99- its not comfimed its the agency...
Diablo2343 you cant cook -.- but would be sweet.
chaos-SD why playstation 9 and miss generations... why not just stick with playstation 3? and just upgrade it to ps3.5
and its 3D Vertual world and be able to smell sences
volcus maybe Sony will say more than one big news? a new game, then information about games trailers etc, and to top it off
there realsing loads of demos for up coming games. (of course only xbox fans can dream of; but how long for?)
Page 3 comments coming soon
Most likly come later on or hopefully when page 3 finishes after all i need to keep this alive.
All i can say is stick with a 32-42 inch tv you dont really need it that big then buy a ps3 hdmi cable and GAMES you want. Although you do remind me of my friend hes getting 2,000 for compensation for a car crash...
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