with a $1200 budget, a build like that couldnt play metro 2033 in high settingsYourNextStalker
You MUST be joking.Thats the only thing you could be doing!
The OPTIMAL system requirements?
Core i7 CPU($200+)
DirectX 11 Compatible video card, preferably GTX 470($300-$500) or GTX 480($400-$600)
and I quote "As much RAM as possible(8GB+)" 8GB of ram? $250+
Fast HDD or SSD.
Thats right, I believe this is the first game that has recommended an SSD for the hard drive optimal experience.
Just from those BASIC numbers, thats $800 for just FOUR of the required basic EIGHT components of a computer, not including the monitor which will cost another $150+ for a good one.
That leaves you with about $200 for a PSU, there goes another $100, motherboard for current i7 CPUs are about $150-$200. There goes the rest of your money.
Now your over your budget and you still don't have a case or an optical drive.
Your not going to be able to play this game on high with a budget of a measly $1,200.
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