The problem i think couldbe, that when you have ninja related games, i think the Ninja Gaiden is like the standard, and if a game doesnt reach that maybe its given a bad review.
Really depends on you, if u wanna download a lot of stuff then yah, if not its not required,you could just get an external harddrive and plug it in the back of your 360 console(USB).
As for games, imma throw a little bit of an oldy for you, F.E.A.R is a good game. You should check out lost planet, SPlinter CELL DA. Im sure other can name more. Personally id buy maybe 2 games or 1, and wait for games like assassins creed or bioshock.
Honestly ive played all systems, im not gonna answer something about any other system, and how its this and that bla bla bla. For 400, it is worth it.....IF u treat it well meaning treat it like a high powered computer, ventilation is REQUIRED if ur not sure if its ventilated have a fan blow in it. Games are a lot of fun, BUY A WARRANTY or register it.LOL BUT YES its worth it
I had the rings of death, 3 times due to heat, its in my basement well ventilated and cold still got problems. HOwever i just bought a fan Holmes Window Fan (HAWF2021-CN) and set it right next to the right side, i have a left fan blowing right into the box and theright fan blowing away the hot air coming out of the box. 3 weeks playing now lots of hours playing also, and after playing the 360 its ONLY a little warm.
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