Give me onboard part voice chat, Super Smash Bros Switch edition, lower the price $50 less, bundle it with one game, release it with at least 10 good game at launch and reduce the scary price of the pro controller and I might get one :)
@doctor_mg: Of course not. I didn't say they are. The thing is that more powerful computing power help developer deliver better games and doesn't pose some limitations that can limit their creativity. I mean every console has its limits, but if it's that low, some ideas just would be left behind. I personally don't like to see lack of anti-aliasing in games, it really makes the game looks bad visually and disturbs me. I think that the Switch can be a better laternative to the 3DS if it had some good new titles for it. I skipped the 3DS because I thought the Switch might be a great alternative, but right now I really don't know. I need to think about it.
@mototim34: I'll tell you that. If they came up with a killer new IP, they would convince many people to invest in this new console, but there isn't any. I wanted to buy the Wii U for Smashing Bros., just because I love this game so much (eventually I didn't). Nintendo can sell this crappy console if there was a Switch-exclusive new IP title that will make everyone want to buy the Switch because of it - but there is none, end of story.
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