Ok, so it was freshman friday at my school yesterday. I just happen to be a freshman. So its after school and im expecting this whole thing to be over and what-not. But i have a friend who's a junior, and for the sake of the thread lets call him Rob. Rob and me weren't that close, but we've been pretty decent friends.Rob decides to run up to me to give me a beating (lets also note that he already got me during school) so this time i ran away. Rob got tired and went home, so me and my friends decide to play bastketball at the park.
While we were playing bastketball Rob sprints out of his house wearing a tank top, a pair of pj's, and socks. Thinking he was still getting me for freshman friday, i ran away..again, but this time her caught me. I fell to the floor covering my body and said "Ok you can get me". So he beat me...but this time sh** got serious. He didnt stop, he just kept on going. I held his arms to try to make him stop, but he starts headbutting me instead. He then put me in so sort of submission, and that's where i drew the line, so i started choking him with my free hand.
After that he started to let go and he starts screaming "What did you say about my mom?" Nobody knew what he was talking about including me so i replied by saying "i didnt say anything". We went back and forth a couple of times but then he says "Yo, if you got somethin to say den hit me you little B****" I explained to him that i didnt want to fight him but he kept on insisting that i was just scared of him. I would fight him, but there are a couple factors holding me back:
- He's a pothead
- He's psycho
- He's a better fighter than me
- I have nothing against him
So what do i do? Do i fight him or do i just let him embarass me on Monday?
well hes a psycho so I doubt he'll listen to reason tell a tutor or punch him in the nose or balls keep on doing it I'll pretty sure he'll stop but still the first option is beter but be prepared for him to do something out of school and be armed
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