killermonkey49's forum posts
cables rnt included for tv/out. the feature is not very good anyway. no other new real features out of boxbut alot of the newer accessories (eg. gps, camera etc.) only work on the new one. the "PHAT" battery does NOT work on the slimmies. personally i love my slimmy and would choose it over a phat in a heartbeat. also i used to own a phatty so im talking from experience, slimmy is betterr.
corect me if im wrong, but the new add on featrues and support only work with the slim (skyp, gps, camera) that screws OG owners. good thing i sold mine IMO.
also I officaily want apsp that excludes games period. the game suck anyway
wait u want a psp that doesn't play games?? so u want just movies, music, and wifi?? get an ipod touch. it has roughly the same screen size, is super portable, and has all the features of the psp except games.
Break it again, 2 negatives = a positive...-XXVII-
wow dude nice idea.. mine broke and i called up sony but it was out of warranty because i got it so long ago and it would have cost alot for sony to fix the disc drive which was the problem. and since there was a huge crack in the screen anyway i decided to just go out and buy and new slim one.. so now i have 2. wat fun
I would like to see Call of Duty's and Halo's on the PSPredfalcon510
halo wouldnt be on psp cuz its a microsoft/bungie game not sony. call of duty is out on psp but i dont think it was that great. i wanna see assassins creed, devil may cry, god of war, gran turismo, and soul caliber. i heard they were gonna make a gran turismothat originally was gonna launch with the psp but i never heard anything else about it since launch.
you cant browse the internet with it but you can get the best online gaming service for 50 bucks a year or 6 a month. It has a built in upscaling dvd drive so if u have an hdtv it can run standard def dvds at near hd quality. u can rip music to the hardrive to listen too as well as hooking it up to a network to stream from ur computer. u can also hook up most mp3 players and stream music off them (ipod formatted music needs a download to code it right for 360 to play). Its got a marketplace to buy games like geometry wars, texas holdem, and pacman. u can also buy game content and new multiplayer maps in the marketplace. the marketplace now has an ondemand type of thing where u can pay for tv shows, movies, and music videos and watch em on ur xbox. Overall xbox 360 has everything u could possibly want. if u dont have it already i recomend getting it soon..
have a nice day :) KILLERMONKEY OUT!
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