60k cuz i got flamed by that stupid blue dragon on 1-4 (cuz i was idiotic and didn't wait for the right time, thought i had enough hit points to run it and just heal midway) and got killed somehow again... by the fat hat wearing man, he hit me as soon as i got up from the 2nd run. :) Ahh.
I accidentally killed the merchant in the valley of defilement. Will she re spawn ever? Or I am totally doomed for buying those arrows of rotting stuff? :( Crap I did it by accident when trying to kill a troll that fell down to her and did a area sweep with my sword...
Oh man, so excited for this game. Between Team Fortress 2 and WaW I need something a bit different for multiplayer this should hold me off until AvsPredatorvsMarines comes out :) Splitscreen online coop? Oh yeah baby. :p (Although my beef is why can't they make more like that?)
Hmmm. Interesting, so its just the video HD quality and not compressed sound data as well? I have both the ps3 & 360 so guess it doesn't matter. It seems like they would be able to compress the sound very soon.
Alright, Just got the game yesterday & I love it. However I have a few questions which I am wondering if you more vets of the game could answer. 1. When you get your body back and die you have to play as your soul until you get a stone to bring it back? 2. In the very first part, chapter/section there was this goblin type character that sold armor and weapons, I beat the first boss demon (with shields and spears) and went back to purchase a few things and he was gone? Did he move or is he done from the game? Thank you for your help! I'm playing as a hunter with my first character, but I am scared because im addicted now and want to try other characters. Please keep this thread going with questions, tips and help or share your love of zee game. Peace.Love.Joy.
Nah, after I played Mafia, /shrug that was much more enjoyable. GTA became redundant. Steal stuff, kill stuff, hide run, quest system, kinda bland. /shrug I preffered FO3
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