Let me remind everyone that Killzone2 is being worked on 4 years with 120 developers with a 60million budget and the best tools made by sony. SOny is all over this game, and based on the newest prewiews the graphics surpass the trailer in 05 and the gameplay looks awesome and the cover system. I was never hyped for Haze, i dont know why everyone did. Haze looked like a typical shooter. But killzone2 will have amazing online really cool vehicles, awesome weapons and has 9months left to improve! If it came out right now it would be game of year of 08 easily! Animations are superb best ever in a game. The game has a mind of its own for example the developer said after playing the game forever right now he saw something he has never saw. Ok here is wat happened: hes buddy died and u can heal ur buddies by clicking O. H kills a helgasht and it lands on the buddy. He revives the buddy. The buddy actually pushes the helgasht out of the way before he gets up!
Killzone2 wiill be game of year this year easily u cant say it cant be because u havent played it, everyone will see how awesome killzone2 will be becuz the developer said in a recent interview they will talk about multiplayer (50% of game) vehicles (reall cool part of game) and the bigger levels! The level shown is the 2nd level Its like a tutorial level. (i remember cod4 2nd level it sucked, and gta4 didnt get good till like 20% completion) Killzone2 is da best
Let me remind u buddy Killzone2 is being worked on 4 years with 120 developers with a 60million budget and the best tools made by sony. SOny is all over this game, and based on the newest prewiews the graphics surpass the trailer in 05 and the gameplay looks awesome and the cover system. I was never hyped for Haze nor assains creed. Haze looked like a typical shooter and assains's who cares since uncharted came out. But killzone2 will have amazing online really cool vehicles, awesome weapons and has 9months left to improve! If it came out right now it would be game of year of 08 easily!
I think the aiming is great and the previews state it feels like cod4 which had a great aiming. So id ont know wat u talkin about - Turok haha! The AI looks smart and great, the graphics are crazy they surpass the 05 trailer for sure.
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