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Burnout, Online issues, and randomness

I've been playing burnout again, I can't wait for the new update, online in all my games has been pretty laggy for some reason, I'm not sure why, like yesterday in burnout, it said the room had 8 people in it, including me, but no one was on the map, and my mic wasn't working, weird.
Have you heard the rumour about Criterion would be adding planes to the game too? I dunno how that would fit, but if it turns out good then I'm all for it.

I got the 2.41 update, it works fine, although I still have no trophies, I guess it's back to "Just Wait" again... I want a new game, but what? I tried playing Resistance online, but I keep getting a connection error, have the servers been taken down? Battlefield is the only game that plays somewhat decently online, and there's no one talking, in all the games I've played, no one has ever talked.

Also, I've been playing more of GTAIV, it's a great game and all, but a few things do stick out like a sore thumb. Mainly the controls are what annoy me so much, they just feel clumsy, and sluggish at times. The framerate is bearable, nothing game-breaking, but I don't think it deserves a 10, high 9 yes, but not a 10.

I saw the new mercenaries 2 video, looks cool, I might get it. That's about it on the gaming front, now back to real life. "Work" turned out to be this training course in a bank, and I dislike working in banks, but I was forced into this, it just felt like being in some lame subject in school all over again. I skipped "work" yesterday, and now everyone is pissed at me. It'll blow over I guess.

Other than that, I'm traveling soon, just a few more days... I'm just sad that I'll probably miss the E3 coverage, oh well. This happened last year, I guess it'll happen again. That's pretty much it for this post, I can't think of anything else to say. Later!

Old games, allergies, Battlefield!!

So a lot has been happening in the last few days, I haven't updated my PS3's firmware yet, I forgot, and when I did go to update, it had already been taken down, no biggie, I've been playing without in-game XMB for half a year, I can wait a bit more.

Now, onto the "old games" bit, I don't know if this game ever came out in the states or not, but it was for the PS1, it was called "Pepsi Man" it looked and played like an arcade game. All you had to do was get "Pepsi Man" from point A to point B while dodging people, cars, and furniture, while collecting cans of Pepsi along the streets. I was only 6 or 7 when I first played that game, and I LOVED it, but then the CD broke, and I haven't played it in years. Last night, my cousin came over with his PSP, and he had Pepsi Man on it. I had so much fun playing that crappy game again. Nice dose of nostalgia if you ask me.

We had a bad sandstorm the day before, and yesterday, I had a runny nose because of it, I went swimming last night, and it seems as if there was a bit too much chlorine in the pool, my nose was stinging like hell and I had to get out. My nose was red and sore, and it still hurts when I touch it. Kind of annoying, but I'll deal with it.

Battlefield: read at your own risk!
[spoiler] I think I'm pretty close to the end of the singleplayer campaign in Battlefield: Bad Company. I got to ride the gold chopper, that bit was awesome, but the controls felt weird at first, but they're easy to get used to, the game is hectic, and fast paced. Pretty fun.The story is cool too, I was shocked when I found out that his teammates were missing after the chopper got hit at the end. [/spoiler]

That's about it for now, later!
Thanks in advance for any comments!


So on satuarday, I went and bought Resistance: Fall Of Man, and Battlefield Bad Company. I was only going to buy one of them then, but resistance was cheap(er) and the dude at the store said he'd give me both games for a lower pirce. So I caved and bought both. I got home, played each for about an hour, then but battlefeild back in its box, and kept playing Resistance. And now, just 3 days later, I beat it, just a few minutes ago. All I can say is, wow. Awesome game, and I wasn't inclined to buy it at first, I assumed it was "just another lame shooter" because of the lame demo. I was so wrong, this is easily one of the best PS3 games I've played yet, and it's a launch title! Considering today's standards for games, I think it'd score around or over 8.5, but for its time and being a launch title, it should have gotten 9. And I still haven't even touched the multiplayer part of the game. Now, I'll probably move on to Battlefield, since I haven't really played much of it. I still haven't finished the first few missions, but I did notice that some things are buggy, like for example, I shot this dude, and he fell, you'd expect them to turn into ragdolls, but no, they freeze. Nothing would make them move, some were frozen in mid-air. I wonder how that got past testing? I mean, it's pretty obvious there's something wrong there, why not fix it?

In other news, it was pretty hot outside yesterday (50 degrees C, 120 degrees F) so I went swimming, and since I was walking around barefoot, on tiles that were REALLY REALLY hot, I kinda burned the base of my foot, and it hurts when I walk, it's gotten better now, but it is kinda annoying. I'm lucky I didnt get sunburn, last year I got sunburnt, and my shoulders were red and sore, my face was red too, and wiping my nose was painful. Well, other than that,there really isnt much left to say.
Thats probably it for now, later!

Next Purchase?

I might stop by the local game store here, I'm wondering which game to get, I had battlefeild in mind, so I might get that, and maybe finally get resistance. I want to play resistance for the story, since I'm really interested in the Resistance 2, but my problem is, I can't buy two first person shooters, I'll just get bored. Although I do still have GRID to finish, I'm still unsure. I just hope I can find resistance for cheap, thats IF I can find it, stores here tend to sell only the new games. Well, post your comment if you want, I really need an opinion.
Other stuff, well, not much has been happening over here, I got this job, it's kindof a training course at a bank, but you still get paid, I start in just over a weeks' time. But I doubt I'll get paid, since the course thing ends on the 17th, but I leave on the 13th, great, I miss the E3 coverage, AND a paycheck.
I beat ratchet & clank for the second time, I got all the weapons, and I'm playing through it again, to level up all my weapons. I have like, a bazillion bolts and raritanium, but this game is FUN! Other than that, I'm making steady progress though GRiD, but the AI is driving me nuts, which is a good thing, and very unpredictable. But sometimes, especailly when I've used up all my flashbacks, on my last lap, and I'm in 1st place with my biggest rival right behind me, then I miss a turn, and crash straight into a wall. It just makes me want to break my controller in half!
Other than that, I guess there's nothing much to say, so until next time!

Boredom taking over, games, and random stuff.

Boredom, the doom of all teenagers, probably. Sometimes, there's nothing TO DO, other than sit and stare at the computer screen. But that's just what I think from experience. Like right now, as I'm typing this, I'm only doing it becuase I've spent too long sitting on the couch, playing GRiD. I'm not saying that the game is bad, I just can't sit and play one game for an extended period of time.I'm replaying MGS4, just to get those extras. If you're in one of the mission briefings, take control of the Mk.2 and look at the remote for the tv, and press R1, to change the channel, and you'll see pictures of models on the screen :P.

Now, I'm kinda pissed as I'll be missing the live shows of E3, I'm travelling on the 13th of July, and I doubt I'll be able to use the internet that much during the trip, but it's OK, I just want to know about any huge announcements that could set System Wars on fire, now that would be something I don't wanna miss :D.

Sometimes, I'd be doing something, or out somewhere, and I'd say, "yeah I'll post this next time on the blog" but just like right now, I just completely forget about what I wanted to write about. I guess I'm easily distracted. I got my report on thursday, I'm pretty happy with my results, and I'm getting myself something, but I dont know what, first thought was a new 360, but no, I'm not buying it again, even though I really want to get new Xbox games, I'm sick of the system. So then, I thought, why not a new, powerful gaming PC, but I don't know if I would find what I want here. So I'm still deciding.

Now, I said I might post reveiws for GRiD and MGS4, but I can't really be bothered to do that, so I'll just post a few things here.
Metal Gear
Well, it's probably the most epic game I've played, along with Uncharted and Heavenly Sword, and personally, the game looks and is more enjoyable than alot of movies I've seen.

Fun racing game, challenging AI and tough controls, but they're easy to get used to. Feels like DiRT, but that's a good thing, damage modeling is awesome.

That's about it for now, until next time!


So, I bought MGS4 and GRiD on thursday, and I'm awestruck by them, especially MGS. I mean, wow, just WOW! I'm really enjoying this game. I've just started act 3, in Paris, I haven't really started it, but I did watch that reaaaallllyy looonnnggg cut-scene at the start (including the mission briefing). I won't post any spoilers, but that first boss was awesome, I was kinda creeped out at the end, it looked so real! At some points I even forgot that I was playing a game, same thing happened while playing Uncharted, only downside-for me anyways- was the story, I don't understand it fully, but that's not really the game's fault, and I'm enjoying it thoroughly anyways. I set up a Konami ID today, so I'll play some MGO later today if I can.
Now, onto GRiD, I really like it, the AI is tough, really tough, which is good, I like a challenge. It looks awesome too! Although the game did freeze on me during a loading screen, which then wouldn't let me quit the game, or turn it off by pressing the button on the system itself, which in the end forced me to switch it off from the back, which really had me worried. I guess that's all for now, I might post reviews later on, but that's it for now.

The summer, games, and school.

The summer holiday, the perfect time for gaming, and school ends on the 12th! So, later that day I'm stopping by the shops to get MGS4 and GRiD. A friend is stopping by too, I haven't seen him in ages, so that'll be fun. Today was an OK day, I had two exams, and they were okay, I don't have to go into school tomorrow, I've got no exams. Only two left, one is on Wednesday morning, and the other is on Thursday. Now that I'm almost done, I've completely switched into "holiday mode". I just wish the weather was nicer, it's been one huge sandstorm all week.

Now, onto the games, I'm suprised Bourne got an 8.0, I was expecting more of a 7 based off the demo. I still won't be picking this up anytime soon. I've been playing through R&C again, I'm trying to get all the holo-plan peices together. I wonder what that weapon would do. FarCry2 looks awesome, and I can't wait to play that. I wonder if a demo would be released before. I tried the new Civ Revolution demo, and to be honest, I didn't really understand what was going on, I never played the game on PC, so I don't know how to play.
That's about all I can think of writing right now, so I'll wirte more later on.

So long Xbox360...

CAUTION- rant ahead...

So, a few weeks ago, I popped in DiRT on my xbox, and it froze after a few minutes of play time, I just thought it was an error from the disc itself, there was no "red ring" flashing anywhere. So I just switched off the console, and put it away. Now, just a few minutes before posting this blog, I popped in The Darkness, since I've been wanting to finish that game for ages, and make sure it wasn't the system that kept freezing. After less than a minute after the game loaded, it froze. I was starting to get pissed at that point. So as I got up to change discs, I see 3 red lights flashing...
The dreaded RRoD!
Now, I go over to where it was, note that I haven't switched it on in ages, I've kept it on a shelf in my room, and my room is usually never very warm, I always keep the A/C on. I put my hand on the back of the console, and it was really, really hot. Even though it's barely been on for 10 minutes. At this point I just said **** it. So, since last gen, i've owned all 3 systems. This gen, I got the Xbox last august, yes, I've only had it less than a year, I got the PS3 this january, saying that I only got it for the free online. Now, I only have my PS3. At least I'll get the multiplats. :(
And no, I won't be buying a new Xbox anytime soon, and I can't send it to M$ because,
1. I live in an "unsupported" region.
2. I don't care much if I do get a new one.

So, farewell Xbox,

GTA, Exams, and other stuff.

First, lets start out with GTA. I've been having a lot of fun with this game, little details that I've never noticed are everywhere. Wacky explosions leave cars that were nearby, but haven't exploded, in adeformed state. Here's what happened, I shot a tree with the RPG, and there was a taxi next to the tree. It didn't explode, but I took a pic of the result.

Pretty cool if you ask me. Now, onto the other little detail that seriously made me LOL. I dunno if anyone noticed this before, but since I like being flown around liberty city in Brucie's chopper, I was looking around inside the chopper, and on the door I saw this:

Incase the image is unclear, it says "This Helicopter might crash, but we really don't care if it does, refer to flight manual for help."
Good ol' R*! Hahaha.

I've got exams until the 12th of june, hmm. I could just go by the shops that day, and hopefully pick up MGS4,and maybe GRID.
That's about it for now, Wish me luck!

Burnout stuff, games, GTA.

So I've been having a so-so week, and I'm bored outta my brains right now. So I thought I'd post something up here.
First up is Burnout, since I can't really play much GTA with my family around, I tend to play Burnout Paradise alot more if I want my online fix. And while playing a bit yesterday, and drooling at my pretty & shiny car, I turned the camera around, and the camera zoomed in because I was parked next to a wall, and I saw this:Burnout Door
It looks as if the door handle was drawn on, so much for high quality, now I'm not bashing the game or anything, I just thought it was funny. I wonder what else I could find. Oh, and I've only got 4 more smashes to find, and 3 more billboards to smash! I just can't seem to find them:(.

Other things that did annoy me were in GTA's Multiplayer, I just hate it when we're all waiting for the host to start the game, and they never do! It just pisses me off. I wish the PS3 came with a standard microphone, since it's a bit too quiet in the online. Rarely do I find anyone else with a mic. But I guess I have to live with it. Another little annoyance, is that I don't really understand how to be the game host, is it random? Is it something to do with my connection? Or is it something the devs left out? The latter of which I highly doubt. I just don't get it.

Now, today seems to be LittleBigPlanet day, with all the vids and info suddenly pouring in from GameTrailers and Gamespot. To be honest, I am hyped for this game, I know it has a "kiddish" art styl and alot of my friends won't get why I like the game, but I'll probabbly buy it as soon as I see it in stores. This is one game that I think shouldn't be missed. Also if Spore flops (and that's a BIG "if") I guess this will be an alternative. I've been eagerly anticipating spore since it was announced, all those years ago.

I guess that's about if for now, until next time!