I've downloaded the Haze Demo, Bourne Demo, and the GRID Demo, so far, I'm not so sure about any of these three.
Let's start with the HAZE Demo.
Awesome Gameplay, nectar is fun to use, supersteady framerates and responsive controls. Graphics are so-so, but I'm a bit skeptical about whether or not this is a representation of the visual quality in the final game, I'm not sure. I'm getting sick of all the FPS games coming out, there's just too many. Am I going to pick this up? Maybe, maybe not, I'll wait for reveiws.
GRID Demo.
I liked this game, it seems as if this is the unofficial "sequel" to Dirt. I really enjoyed Dirt on my 360, now, a few days ago, I fired up the game, and guess what. After 5 minutes of playing, the game froze. Rebooted the machine, and tried again, same result. I'm not sure if it's the game or the Xbox, but I was too pissed to pop in another disc to check. Anyways, the only thing that I didn't like about the GRID demo, was that the cars seem to be ver sensitive to sharp turns, and almost always spin out of control. I guess you really HAVE to slow down at turns, I just hope it's not as sensitive as this in the final game. Car damage, is awesome though, and the game looks amazing.
Bourne Demo
Hmm, this is the first time I've seen a Movie/Book based game, which isnt a Movie tie-in. I've seen interviews, and videos, and I think this game has a lot of promise, especially with the hand-to-hand combat. The camera is a bit jumpy, it's fast-paced and fun, but I'm a bit skeptical. And I really, really, really hated the driving section. This game looks great, but I am sick and tired of seeing that "powerd by Unreal Tech." screen pop up everytime I start a game. It just seems lazy on the dev's part. Personally I think that even though the Unreal Engine can produce awesome graphics (eg. Bioshock) it IS more than over-used. Developers seem to bu using it as a crutch. I wonder what other different visual effects can be achieved with engines like the one used for Assassin's Creed, or Burnout.
Other than these demos, my gaming time is being cut short, I have exams to study for, and I've been busy with my clock, the deadline is next thursday(22nd), I've got a lot of work to do until then. GTA will probably get the least amount of gaming time, since I moved my PS3 back into our Living Room, so that means I can't play with young family members running around. That's about it for now, comments are appreciated, and thanks for reading.
Until next time! Whenever that may be!
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