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Demo Impressions...

I've downloaded the Haze Demo, Bourne Demo, and the GRID Demo, so far, I'm not so sure about any of these three.

Let's start with the HAZE Demo.

Awesome Gameplay, nectar is fun to use, supersteady framerates and responsive controls. Graphics are so-so, but I'm a bit skeptical about whether or not this is a representation of the visual quality in the final game, I'm not sure. I'm getting sick of all the FPS games coming out, there's just too many. Am I going to pick this up? Maybe, maybe not, I'll wait for reveiws.

GRID Demo.

I liked this game, it seems as if this is the unofficial "sequel" to Dirt. I really enjoyed Dirt on my 360, now, a few days ago, I fired up the game, and guess what. After 5 minutes of playing, the game froze. Rebooted the machine, and tried again, same result. I'm not sure if it's the game or the Xbox, but I was too pissed to pop in another disc to check. Anyways, the only thing that I didn't like about the GRID demo, was that the cars seem to be ver sensitive to sharp turns, and almost always spin out of control. I guess you really HAVE to slow down at turns, I just hope it's not as sensitive as this in the final game. Car damage, is awesome though, and the game looks amazing.

Bourne Demo

Hmm, this is the first time I've seen a Movie/Book based game, which isnt a Movie tie-in. I've seen interviews, and videos, and I think this game has a lot of promise, especially with the hand-to-hand combat. The camera is a bit jumpy, it's fast-paced and fun, but I'm a bit skeptical. And I really, really, really hated the driving section. This game looks great, but I am sick and tired of seeing that "powerd by Unreal Tech." screen pop up everytime I start a game. It just seems lazy on the dev's part. Personally I think that even though the Unreal Engine can produce awesome graphics (eg. Bioshock) it IS more than over-used. Developers seem to bu using it as a crutch. I wonder what other different visual effects can be achieved with engines like the one used for Assassin's Creed, or Burnout.

Other than these demos, my gaming time is being cut short, I have exams to study for, and I've been busy with my clock, the deadline is next thursday(22nd), I've got a lot of work to do until then. GTA will probably get the least amount of gaming time, since I moved my PS3 back into our Living Room, so that means I can't play with young family members running around. That's about it for now, comments are appreciated, and thanks for reading.

Until next time! Whenever that may be!

Updates, new stuff, and games...

So it's been a while since I blogged, one reason is that I've been insanely busy lately. Homework is piling up, I have exams coming up that I have yet to start studying for, and I've barely had time to play any games. School has been crazy, I've been spending every break I can at the art block, I need to get my clock finished in time, and the deadline is in two weeks MAX. I guess that's about it school-wise. Math has been taking it's toll on my brain though, I can't understand a word my dinosaur of a teacher says. My chemistry teacher is slightly retarded, and I understand next to nothing about polymers.

Game-wise, I've managed to squeeze in about an hour of GTA this week, and I played though the HAZE demo, which has some awesome gameplay IMO. Even though the graphics are slightly underwhelming, and the voice acting is cheesy and annoying. I might pick that up. Other than that, I've barely had any gaming time. Sad I know, but I have no choice. Other than that, I guess not much happening. I've seen the Prince Of Persia sketch teaser on gametrailers. I can say that I'm exited about the new story. Even though I never even got to beat half the first game, I still remember that I got stuck on that fight with his "zombie" father, I never beat it.

That's about it for now, I'll post back later.

General chatter and ramblings...

Hi, a lot has been going on this past week. I've been pretty busy, we've started building our clocks in school. I've got picutes of it that I'm going to put up here, there's the school fashion show to talk about, and there's the party I went to last night. Let's start out with the clock. We started cutting it out, and shaping it in the past two weeks. Mine is going alog smoothly, not much cutting and sanding left to do, so I'm exited to be finishing the main body so soon.

The half on the right, is the base, unfortunatley, I'm not going to cut it into peices, then glue it back together, since that would mean I can't make the hole for the mechanism. So instead, I made grooves. The one on the left, is the outer ring, that'ts the half that needs the most work, since I need to cut out the ring, and sand/file it, then glue it onto the other half.

Now, to the fashion show, since it was "earth day" at our school, some students decided to make a talent show. The one rule was, that all the clothes that were being made, must be made from recycled material. So, interesting as it was, it was insanely funny to see two of my friends walk out onto the catwalk wearing garbage bags, and street banners. But it was still fun to watch. The party last night was at my cousin's house, and it was more of a family gathering, but I think, at least 98% of the people there I don't even know, and most of them I haven't seen in years. It was all pretty akward. Especially when I met my slightly over-dramatic "uncle" who I have never even seen before started talking to us, and saying weird things. Me and my brother didn't stay long though, it was pretty lame.

I downloaded two demos today, Iron Man, and Siren: New Translation. My impressions are, that Siren has alot of promise, and is pretty creepy, while Iron Man is a complete pile of POO! The flying is weird, and the camera is ****! Combat is boring, and controls are bad. Siren is a much better demo IMO. Well worth a download once it hits US/EU PSN, or if you got a JP account, I reccomend a download.

That's about it for now, take care, and seeyou later.

Music, Okami, random stuff...

Seeing the recent news about Okami's Wii release, I've been craving to play that game on my PS2. Luckily, it's one of the few games that still work. So I loaded it up, and started playing a new game, ah, now I understand the story, and I want to get throught the game once and for all. I still wish my copy of San Andreas still worked, but I guess a few more weeks of waiting won't hurt.

Now, as for Music, I've been on a downloading spree. I like different types of music, usually I like Pop/Rock or Punk. But I do like HipHop & some Rap. I've downloaded some of my favourite performances from American Idol, mainly David Cook and Michael Johns. It's a shame Michael got booted off the show, he was one of my favourite singers. I guess my new favourite is David Cook, I liked his perfromance last week. Very original.

I guess that's it for now, bye!

& thanks for any comments.

Random stuff, games, new PSN store?

It's been a while since my last post, I've been busy with schoolwork. We started on building our clocks on Monday. My wrist hurt so bad after a whole hour of cutting MDF with a coping saw, and my allergies were acting up, because of all that dust. I've still got a lot of flatwork to do, designs to finish off, and I need to re-do my plan of making.

Today in one of my most boring classes, it came to a point where everyone was half asleep. When one of the girls in my class started screaming and jumping up and down. Turned out a roach had landed on her lap, and scared the (insert word(s) here) out of her. Ofcourse, all the guys in the class busted out laughing, and the other two girls were standing on the chairs, screaming, aswell. Our teacher was mad at the girls, because they made such a fuss, he shouted at us until his face went red, but it was totally worth it! There was a talent show on today, it was OK, some girls tried singing "No Air" & "Bleeding Love" which were all totally awful performances. One group was awsome though, the lead singer has great vocals, and she reminds me of Amy Lee, from Evanescence, which is one of my favourite bands. We had a nasty storm on Firday, it was really weird. First it got really windy, to the point where trees were falling over, and sheds were falling down, then it turned into a sandstorm, visibility was ZERO! After that, it just started raining ice, then all hell broke loose, it was pouring for 20 minutes, but in that short amount of time, roads were flooded, sheds were knocked over, trees and lightposts were blown over. 3 people died! And many were injured!

I haven't been playing much this week, I got to the level in RSV2 where you are on your own for the first time, and your teamates have left you. But that's where I stopped, I haven't been able to play since. Now, onto the new PSN store, I turned on my PS3. And a message pops up saying "Error, You have been signed out of the PSN... blah blah... Error 80 something". I'm not sure wether it's because millions of other people are downloading it, or something is wrong with my PS3. But I'll wait until tomorrow to try again.

GTA Delayed? New PS Store? and half life...

Now, it may seem like I'm not a big fan of GTA, but I am, and I've always loved the series. The first time I played GTA was around the time Vice City came out. All I did was drive around, on a rampage, then running away from the cops. Then came along SA. I played the life out of that game, to the point where my old PS2 couldn't even read the disc anymore(even my new ps2 can't read it). Now, GTA IV is the only game I'm lookin forward to this month,and hearing it MIGHT be delayed to the holiday season if T2 is bought out by EA is seriously pissing me off. I might get into the MGO japanese beta, but that's only IF no one gets banned from being in it, and not living in japan. I mean, why no open beta for the US/Europe? I'm not too hyped for MGS4, since I've never played any of the other games in the series. I might pick it up tho, not sure yet.

Now, we've all heard about the upcoming PS Store revamp, and I just hope it lives up to the hype, I'll admit it isnt the best of stores. I have never used the XBOX live marketplace, because I've never been able to connect the xbox to the internet, and I'm not gonna shell out more money on an add-on that should've been included in the first place.

As for Half-Life, I've been playing through Half-Life 2, and I managed to finish it a few days ago, I moved onto episode one, and that ended very suddenly, I finished it the next day, and started on EP 2. I'm still playing it, up to the 3rd chapter, where you have to get through the "safe" house that's full of zombies(the irony!) to get to the car on the bridge, awsome games so far.

I've been neglegting my poor PS3 this past week, mainly because my nephews are still here, and the older one is hogging the TV, so no games for me. Other than that, not much has been happening here, so I'll post back again later.

RSV2 online, no longer laggy?

I was playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2 earlier, and after about 30 minutes of playing online, I left to get some work done, and then, I realised, that while I was playing, there was NO LAG! I mean, connecting to games was getting better, but there was unbareable lag last night, when I played. But today, there was virtually no lag at all, even when there were 14 players in the same game. So I went back in, and logged on to the MP, and searched, some games didnt connect, but I managed to get into the Villa map(my favourite!) with around 16 other players, and there was no lag, at all. Although the server ended after one match, it was still fun. I could actually aim & shoot without popping back and forth. Did Ubi finally fix the server issues? I hope so. But that annoying sound bug where you keep hearing the same "shooting" sound that wont go away always forces me to play with the TV muted, but still, at lease the major issues got fixed.

Your thoughts on the game?

One Month To Go...

April 29th....

I cannot wait, and the day that new trailer came out, I actually had a dream that I was the dude IN GTA, and I was smashing stuff and driving around, making stuff explode! Very interesting dream... First time I have a dream about a game, thats for sure.

Not much happening here, other than my gaming time has been cut short, since my nephews are staying over for maybe a long while, and that just means I cannot play many of my games due to the fact that they can be violent, have bad language, and are all around unsuitable for kids. So I can only play when they are not there, or are asleep. I'm thinking about getting Dark Sector, but I'm not a big fan of the game, and the 3rd-person RE4 style of play, I mean, it worked great on the wii, but the gameplay vids I've seen, it just seems too sluggish. I am not spending my money on GT5:P, mainly because it's not the full game, and people here don't know that, so I'd be forced to pay for full game. I'd rather wait until the full game comes out, but even then, I'm not a big fan of the GT series, because I never really got into the "racing sim" genre. Same thing goes for the other PS3 exclusives like MGS and FF, even though I'll probably end up buying them later on, I'll still never "really" get into it. Anyone agree?

I've also been playing Half-Life 2, I've gotten past Ravenholm(finally!) and Nova Prospekt, and now, I'm on Anticitizen one. That level is tough. I really want to get through this game, because it's just so interesting, and it sucked me in like no other game.

Anyways, that's about it for now, I'll post again later, bye!

New Stuff...

Made a new banner for my profile page, like it?

I've also posted a pic of my games collection. I couldnt get it to fit here, so you'll have to look in "my images" page to see it.

I've also been playing Heavenly Sword, I want to unlock the extra artwork and videos. Replaying all the boss fights is really fun, now that I know how to beat them. I've also been practicing blocking and countering, which was a challenge when I first played it, because of the lack of Hi-Def television and clarity.

The Memories...

Haha, I just came across this article:;title;3

Remember those games? I used to love playing them when I was a kid, I first played Freddie Fish back when I was around 4, I never understood the concept of the game, other than pointing & clicking at anything. Then, I started to understand what I was supposed to do, and managed to finish it, and then came along Spy Fox, and Pajama Sam...

I mean, nowadays, all you'd see are violent games, and this "casual" vibe has kind-of disappeared, I'm happy these titles are coming to the Wii, even though I wont be wasting my time playing them. I'm sure a lot of people will. I think I still have the CDs for the games, but I'm sure they're in a really bad condition, I wonder where they are...