hahahahahahah. i hate fanboy shit but this is hilarious.Scipio8
Cow tears are tasty
kimcorecoba's forum posts
Yh, Tracy Morgan sounds like he's forcing himself to be funny, and ends up being not funny atallkevin hart absolutely, but tracy morgan hell no!!
I went to my friend's place the other time and it he let me watch kevin hart's "laugh at my pain". So I psyched myself up to have a cracking time but as the time went by I realised that the only person that was genuinely laughing was my friend. I tried, lord knows i tried, to find the guy's jokes funny but it just didn't happen, i just didn't find him funny enough to even crack a smile. So is it just me or is kevin hart really not that funny?
Typical black person.mzopfkeucLOL, i might be black but i find that very funny. but i hope you're joking though.
Like I told the praline, the government have their reasons, but that wasn't what you asked, you asked for the religious stigma and that's what i gave you. Most of us are Christians and believe it wrong, I won't do it personally and I wouldn't encourage you to do it either but then i won't force you to go with my views, I just try to make you see reason, if you do, fine, if you don't cool. The police will deal with your ass according to their own reasons.[QUOTE="kimcorecoba"]
Oh, so you're one of those people who thinks that you're religious views should dictate how others live. F*ck that and f*ck you for advocating such.
You're assuming that I smoke it. Don't. Assumptions are foolish. One does not have to use marijuana to support the liberty of people to be able to do so. Last I knew holding such views as mine was not illegal. So no, the police will not be dealing with my ass, much to your disappointment I'm sure.
warlock when i said "you" i didn't mean you in particular. no one can arrest you for your views, but you can get arrested for your actions which was what i meant so i don't even know what you're on about, really. I think you're trying to hard man.[QUOTE="kimcorecoba"]
[QUOTE="MrPraline"] How are they right on weed smoking? Why should it be banned? Because they say so? It's your own body. You can put into that whatever you want. No person, entity, government or corporation should tell you what to do with your own body. That's madness. If Chris likes to toke up, let him. Your people should too, if they so desire. F*ck the government and their victimless crimes insanity. And f*ck you for telling others what to do. Live your own live and give others the same courtesy. Tell me, how are they right?Shottayouth13-
Smoking pot doesn't only hurt you, i mean don't you have a family that loves you. you don't own your body and you most definitely can't do anything you deem fit to it. There is a reason why suicide is a crime. You know the most annoying thing about those who smoke pot, they influence others too, ala chris brown in Ghana. And if everyone in the country is high from smoking pot, who do you want to work for your lazy ass, you think your country would be as it is, if everyone smoked pot? You like the way Jamaica looks like? Think further ahead and stop being selfish
okay so i wanna live my life by killing people, i wanna start with your family, what do you think, should i proceed?
They're right cause like an ignorant child, we're require the guidance of our parent to atleast keep us from harm. Now tell me how they're wrong
Take your stereotypical, uninformed piece of sh*t self and f*ck off.
You think Jamaicans just smoke weed all day, everyday? The majority of Jamaicans DON'T smoke you f*cking ass.
Just GTFO, seriously.
I agree that was very ignorant of me and i apologise.http://www.druglibrary.org/special/goode/mjsmokers9.htm[QUOTE="kimcorecoba"][QUOTE="MrPraline"] It's not very funny. And we should be free to do whatever we want to do, unless it infringes upon the same rights of others. If you do not support something that causes harm to you, good for you. But you make that choice for yourself. Not me. Not your neighbor. Not your countrymen. If I want to do such things that's my problem, not yours. Why should the government tell me what I can do to my own body? It's my temple, not theirs.MrPraline
okay dude. i don't have backings for this but in my country weed is seen as associated with social vices. Now if that's very true, then it really not harming yourself alone, you're actually a potential danger to society as well. That's would be enough reason. let m,e dig around to see if i can i find something to support this claim
It might not be fully supported but if they believe that it does, sure they might ban it. but for me i have my personal reason. and Chris should keep his **** to himself. Maybe when he has had the courage to do that in America, his home, then he can go to someones home and tell them what they should or should not do. We paid you to entertain with your ****ty music and not to give us your stupid opinions.
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