how bout my old agp 6800 lol im poor im savin for the ati radeo x1950 512mb that is probally gona be the last good agp card
Counter Strike: Source at 78 and any other source game basically anything else i cant really play nor do i have money to try anything else lolzors
I think it would be wicked awsome if you could cutom oreder 360's from microsoft like get the bottom red and the have the top blend with the red and in the middle have a dark blood red around the hole thing i think it would be awsome
well thanks for the prdictions guys and ya that all im lookin for juts to get dx10 and ya i hate agp allways been more expensive
does anyone have a clue one when or if there actully gona realse DX10 cards on agp and maybe a price idea
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