There are so many hidden messages and metaphors in the MGS story and in the characters it's not even remotely close to Titanic. You just suck at intellectual thinking and understanding story-lines obviously.
Yes. yes it is.
Ask any Titanic fan about it and they'll drop a line not far from what you're feeding me, about how deep and powerful it is, how masterful the writing is, etc. And just like you, they believe it. Go figure, each one of these titanic (har har) intellects fully believes that they are just that much smarter than all of the idiots who just lack the intellect to appreciate the profound depths of their idol's work. They fail to consider that, hey, maybe these people do get it, but they just know something I don't.
What the hell is with you and Titanic? Titanic wasn't that great at all. The plot sucked, the writing was generic, the characters bland and uninspiring...i could go on and on. It was a boring love story that grossed a lot of money due to teenage girls and their love for Leonardo Dicrapio.
You are comparing two different types of stories.
There is so so much more depth to the MGS storyline than Titanic. I just have no clue what compelled you to compare the two.
It's a hard console to develope games on. People like Naughty Dogs know what they are doing on it. Once programmers get a good grasp on how to program on it, good looking games will be on there way.
[QUOTE="AgentH"]hmm can't compare Ninja Gaiden to one of the best games of all time. Sorry but are you kidding me? MGS story alone owns pretty much NG and most Hollywood movies. Shafftehr
The MGS story is pubescent garbage written to pull on the heartstrings of hormonally imbalanced teenagers. Kojima's games are the video game equivalent of The Titanic.
No. No it's not.
There are so many hidden messages and metaphors in the MGS story and in the characters it's not even remotely close to Titanic. You just suck at intellectual thinking and understanding story-lines obviously.
If you don't own one, why do you care so much if it fails or not.
I own one. I love it. I don't care if it fails. Games will still come out for it no matter what. So far the library of good games on it is good enough for me.
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