Since oct 16, 20032ndWonderyay im not the only one who has been here for about 5 years :p
kingman03's forum posts
is your....jk
How long have you been a member on gamespot?
Me; member since Jun 18th, 2003.
almost five years. jeeeeeze.
and only like 4k in posts. I know some people who have been here for about a year and have about 10k.
[QUOTE="kingman03"]I like how best buy is giving people a 50$ gift card if they buy a HD DVD player....
Isnt it you get a $50 gift card if you trade in your old HD-DVD player for a new and BETTER BLU-RAY player
Maybe... But either way Toshiba is losing about 900 million for going with HD DVD.Me and my partner have recently made a big step in our relationship. We can now fart in front of each other with no problem at all. A few days ago it was such a big deal to fart in front of each I just let loose and fart all over the damn place...especially in public.
Oh, by the way... My girl is hotttttttt as hell.
And AI, and level design, and controls, and story/plot...I know what the first argument will be... " You fail haha killzone 1 got 6.9 hahaha, im fat and stupid." Well the reasons why it got a bad score was because bad graphics. And just incase you guys didn't know, the first killzone was suppose to be PC exclusive. Sony paid for the game and Guerilla did not have any experience with PS2 hardware.
Alright back to topic.
1. Killzone 2 deserves hype because of it's graphics. I'm sure there is no arguments here. The pre alpha looke better than Halo 3 already. I think it's because it is not even in hd. 640p garbage.
2. Gameplay i know i haven't played it but a direct quote from gamespot said it plays just as good as it looks and ign said they has a ball with it.
And those who think resistance2 can compete with GeoW2 just because GeoW got 9.6 and Resistance 1 got 8.6 are smoking somthing nice. Your comparing a launch title to a game that was worked on for 3 years.
Get him addicted to cigarettes and wait 50 years. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!gobo212Best response yet I think. hahaha
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