A 7 and the Sony haters attack the review? We all new there two types of people who play games, fanboys and real gamers. With the next gen consoles released, we sadly have come to see how the fanboys highly overweigh the real gamers. Neither ps4 or Xbox one has great exclusives right now. Its the first year, this isn't a shocker. Its sad to see how people react to articles on this site. Just sucks a lot of fun from talking about video games with an online community. Plus I just love the Xbox one fanboys saying how a 7 is a joke, uhhhhhh your almighty halo collection doesn't seem to be doing too well neither. Anyways, overall this console war stuff needs to end. Its really obnoxious.
I really can't wait to play this game! But Kevin if you see this comment, after you've beaten the game, can you still roam around? I've been following this game for awhile now and haven't seem to find an answer for that.
I don't think his name could be any more Irish. But I hope rouge makes its way to next gen. I hope and feel that around summer time or E3 2015 Ubisoft would announce Rouge coming to next gen.
I easily prefer my PS4 over my Xbox one, but Phil Spencer is the best thing Microsoft has done for the Xbox one. He is honest and likable. He was even asked about how multiplats look and play better on PS4 and he did not be ignorant about that fact. He admitted to it. This dude is a huge reason why I still support Xbox.
I understand. But it literally does not look like the trailer. Trailer seemed more exciting. I did not feel the same excitement while watching the gameplay.
KingOfPotatoes' comments