[QUOTE="kevy619"] [QUOTE="-Renegade"]this pretty much means the console wars are over once again and sony will once again riegn supreme. with rock star only making gta's and all their other games exclusive to ps3 there is no way 360 will continue to outsale ps3 on a monthly basis.. ms has lost once again and should just stop making consoles because they are gaining no ground and loosing tons of money to boot.. ff, gran t, mgs, gta, level 5, plus tons of other exclusives on one system :shock: 360 has no chance..-Renegade
OMG! you're right! The 360 has sold fewer consoles than the ps3 and it has no games on it at all. mass Effect, halo3, bioshock, Fable 2 etc have all been cancelled and GTAIV was cancelled on the 360.
but fact is 360 is all but dead outside of the usa. rockstar knows this plus they know ps3 will have a 10 year life cycle unlike the 360 which ms might kill in a few years because of the continuing losses just like the original xbox.
LOL LOL LOL:lol: Your kidding yourself if you think the PS3 is going to have a lifecycle that long if the PS2 can't make it to 10 years. (what this is year 7 for it? and I don't think there is going to be much on it after this year) What makes you think PS3 can? Because PS2>PS3 in everyway possible!
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