Yes this is old news to us, but this is a mainstream investing site. Looks like sony's $100 "price cut" isn't going to set well with investors and consumers.
Several of Sony's moves over the last couple of years haven't exactly engendered consumers' goodwill. Rootkits, fake blogs -- is this the right way to treat customers? The Financial Times reported that Sony's phaseout resulted in consumer rants on gaming sites.
Still, Sony shareholders, or anybody who's considering the stock, should think long and hard about its recent PR blunders. In addition to suggesting serious strategy confusion at Sony, their effect on consumers' opinions of the company's motives shouldn't be ignored.
Omg, Nintendo kicked my dog, don't invest in their stock!
I bought a PS3 yesterday with Resistance, Motorstorm, and Spider-man 3. Like I said, I would, but I am very disappointed! The controlls suck! It's too small and it copied the 360's center button. Not only that, but It's the exact same thing as the PS2 controller, just wireless and center button. Not only that, I played my three games, and you guys are like, "OMG! Best graphics ever!" The graphics are worse than anything on the 360 this year. About the blu-ray, pointless except I did watch both Pirates films but it is not better than HD, it's the exact same! Last and the worst-the syste is too big. It can't fit in my entertainment center. Did Sony not learn why they made the PS2 smaller?
After 10 hours of pointless gaming, I regret buying the system...but I'm going to keep it for MGS4 only.
DS is a gimmick. More development is happening on the PSP now.NobuoMusicMaker
Okay you just keep telling yourself that! :roll: and you think the Wii is bad with the washed down ports the poor PSP is the definition of that! I'm not saying the PSP is bad it's self just alot of the games on it.
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