Win now let me explain people are bashing the PS3 calling it failure and 3DO and all that, but honestly the PS3 is great yeah it may be losing to the GBA, but if you bash it for that you can laugh at the 360 for losing to the PS2 then which has been out for 7 years
I don't think it's because just because it was beat in sales by the GBA alone...It's because it got beat by a 1. it's handheld not a console 2. A system that has no point in buying new when there's a system that's a few bucks more that can play it's whole game library(DS). 3. It has the graphics capacity of SNES! and that are the reason everyone is giving the PS3 a hard time. Also I remember that the PS2 is still getting good games for it this year too.
Chill fanboys! The TC does have a point... That all 3 platforms have a big flaw one way or another. But in the end it just matters about one thing...come closer...come alittle closer...ready?...GAMES!!!LOL!
Man! Me and my friend were talking about this last. This sucks! I was so hoping to open it tomorrow and and see a pearly DS cart!(I'm getting Pearl) Oh well the game is still going to rock!!:)
If it's in a battle which I think you're asking it would be Dialga simply because of his type. Let me explain Dialga is one of those rare types that has two types which cancel out all of their weaknesses so here's how it would go Dragon moves are super effective against other dragons but here is the kicker Dialga is a Steel type as well and dragon moves don't work well against steel types see and Palkia is a Dragon/Water Type It gets rid of it's weaknesses accept 1 which is... Dragon so you see if Dialga just keeps doing dragon moves he will win why Palkia's dragon moves will just do normal damage to Dialga see? OMGÂ i'm never going to get a girlfreind!:cry:
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