kingpoopa84's forum posts
X360 i believe is making a 70$ per console
Wii i believe is making a 40$ profit per console
PS3 is losing about 200$+ per console cause of the manufacturering costs of it are so high.Â
Ah! So it has changed again.
The 360 does not have a single rpg right now that can beat ffxIII awesomeness and the creator of ff has confirmed himself that ff13 can only fit on blu ray disc bad news for the green x , For the ps3 :D .
Also the american Rpgs do not appeal the Japannese gamers who are the main market for this games , Everything looks gloomy in the 360`s future.
Final Fantasy Is the king of the rpg genre nothing beats it.
So you came from the future huh? So tell me did MGS4 ever get ported over to the 360?:P
[QUOTE="kingpoopa84"][QUOTE="Warkunt"][QUOTE="kingpoopa84"][QUOTE="Mordred19"]this is what happens when one just keeps going off topic. they get caught in a cycle of torment when it would have been easier to just concede from the beginning.
If you're talking about me I said it was fine that PS3 had better specs then the 360 but he turned around and said it was the better system because of this which is not true because if it was the PC would own it all which is not the case. that was the point I was trying to get across and if I got offtopic I do apologize for it but I not going to let someone tell me a system is #1 just by using the best hardware because it just doesn't work like that!
the system isn't better? it is. the specs prove it. i am not talking about sales here. now you're going into PC which is uncalled for. i said PS3 vs 360. and the PS3 is a better SYSTEM. SYSTEM SPECS. lol.
It might have better specs but don't say it's the better system because of it! See lemmings made that mistake the first time around with the Xbox. Because in the end it comes down to one thing GAMES!! and the PS3 and the Wii are lacking in that department right now.
ok and again, the PS3 has been out for no more than 6 months. and a lot more PS3 exclusives that definitely appear to be killer apps to me, have been announced for THIS year. and yup, the 360 got ONE real killer app in one year. if you think exclusives don't mean a thing you're wrong.
But there's nothing really big pin down for it anytime soon.(games get delay alot and such) But don't feel to bad the Wii is in the same state right now too.BTW I'm not dumb and hope Sony is not as well I know there will have to be one game to own on the system by the end of the year. I'm just saying don't count your chickens before they hatch see?
[QUOTE="Screamteam411"]I'd debate, but my mind's been blown.Warkunt
blown because of the system specs or blown because i'm 15 and got an adult to curse me the hell out just because i proved him wrong? the same guy that said he only cares for the games of a console and yet he's tracking the next-gen console sales in his signature. LOL!
I'm not even going to touch that one with a 50 and half foot pole!:roll:
[QUOTE="kingpoopa84"][QUOTE="Mordred19"]this is what happens when one just keeps going off topic. they get caught in a cycle of torment when it would have been easier to just concede from the beginning.
If you're talking about me I said it was fine that PS3 had better specs then the 360 but he turned around and said it was the better system because of this which is not true because if it was the PC would own it all which is not the case. that was the point I was trying to get across and if I got offtopic I do apologize for it but I not going to let someone tell me a system is #1 just by using the best hardware because it just doesn't work like that!
the system isn't better? it is. the specs prove it. i am not talking about sales here. now you're going into PC which is uncalled for. i said PS3 vs 360. and the PS3 is a better SYSTEM. SYSTEM SPECS. lol.
It might have better specs but don't say it's the better system because of it! See lemmings made that mistake the first time around with the Xbox. Because in the end it comes down to one thing GAMES!! and the PS3 and the Wii are lacking in that department right now.
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