[QUOTE="-Wheels-"] [QUOTE="WINDWAKER1"]This basically proves that if a company ditches it's first fanbase in favor for a new, bigger one, it will become super succesful all of a sudden. Way to forget about your first fans, nintendo. Echo13791
If Nintendo ditched the fanbase, they wouldn't have more sales right now. They'd be in the same position. This is the fastest selling console of all time right now, that can't be done by simply switching markets. Nintendo added onto their base, not switched it.
well, I personally think the Wii's "innovation" is just boring crap, yet I still have one. I just saved mine for SSBB. You are right though, they have just added to their fanbase, but if you think about it, the other fanbase is starting to become more important. If you watch their E3 conference you will know what I mean
WiiFit FTW!:P
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