Yes, a graphic novel is to be coming soon but no time soon because I haven't made any comics yet. But here ya go:
I would show the back but it's nothing to it anyway.
Yes, a graphic novel is to be coming soon but no time soon because I haven't made any comics yet. But here ya go:
I would show the back but it's nothing to it anyway.
Well my topic isn't lying. And I'm so happy that I recovered from that aching pain and losing fluids and stuff, but that's not what you want to read anyway. But there's much that when on besides that.
I was walking home, now this girl walked my way ever since I came to that school. I never really notice her but this week she caught my attention and now I look forward to walking home every day. I don't know what it is but I'm lovin' it. I've been trying to get this cartoon in but yet I still have no clue as to how to do it. Although I try I find it hard to have patience. But since I love doing it I'm just going to keep my tolerance and patience(the main keys) with me and be happy. Today, my friend and I switched games so I got Mario Ds 64 or Super Mario 64 DS. I'm going to play that and stuff as I crave to get even more games. And since I had that sickness I can't eat certain foods either. That's a **** cause all the good stuff turned to bad. I'm also suppose to see a movie with Fastvipa but I don't think that's going to work out. So I might be over relatives doing stupid stuff and probably sleeping and not eating for hours and being bored and making up silly stupid games. But hey if I want to waste weekend by all marios let me!
Man last night I came over with the stomache virus. Man this is killing me. So if I'm not on now you know why.
Enjoy the rant I just wrote for my union. There may be some shocking stuff but hey, her it goes:
Some of my officers don't do the job either. I know everyones busy so why do I even bother with this union. I hope this can go somewhere before I decide to shut it down officially. My patience and tolerance has decreased over these few weeks of no activity. I don't get it. When I first came out with this union there were about 50 people the first few days. After a week I got alot of messages via from the people of my union talking about Gaia and after that people stopped posting boards even though I made it possible that people could make their own threads NO one replied or made any. Now I'm like I don't really care updating anymore and why even bother sending messages to people that don't respond. Now I'm not saying any names but one, and that is Serbine. He's the only one who took the initiative to make Updates, knowing that officers can make updates but choose not to. And in fact, I am going to point out names because I'm sick of this. Fastvipa13 might say something once and awhile about my updates but he doesn't do anything around here anyway half the time. I bet if GreenDaywas here he'd be on 24 hours a day 7 days a week! Alx, he's great too, but he's a once and a while person too. He may have things to do too or just really doesn't feel like it but hey I can't make anyone come on but why go through all this typing and probably insulting people, and I apologize, for no activity I'm that's just- whatever I'm just going solve this problem by shutting it down. I'll let you say what you have to say because really none of you can say anthing except serbine who tries actually. So tell me what you think and I'll probably reply to it and shut it straight off! Now I don't no about the site either considering the activity that goes around here. All I know is this next time I make a union some people will not be invited.
Okay, I'm learning flash and being a complete-just enjoy this:
Upcoming Episodes:
Ep1 Home Score: Just the beginning of their adventure. Oh but many fights between each other.
Ep2 Escape 109: Jimmy, Erin, and Rex try to escape the water life and head back to land. What do they encounter on the way?
Ep3 Mal's Pal's: A new character added to the show along with his pals. This will bring alot of trouble!
Ep4 Racing Rats: Everyone wants to go racing under water. This is going to be a 2-part story!
Okay, and because Super Smash Bros. Evolution is a copyrighted name I change the name to" Retroteenz". Its about 3 teenagers trying to live their lives. Instead they are encounter coperations called Goovil Inc., and also facing Maluigi who's not in the mood for playing. They're going to have to deal with it in the Atlantic Ocean.
Next Episode:
Ep1 Home score (No date)
I've taken this way outta proportion. I am extremely bored so uhh enjoy!
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. What nickname?Who's?
2. What kind of person am I? What kind are you?!?
3. How long have you known me? I don't know you!!
4. When and how did we first meet? I DON'T KNOW YOU!!
5. What was your first impression? Who the hell are you?!!?
6. Do you still think that way about me now? Yes I do!
7. What do you think my "weakness" is? My fist in your mouth
8. What do you think about my art overall? okay just stop right now!
9. What makes me happy? punching you in the face
10. What makes me sad/mad? you.
11. What reminds you of me? these dumb questions
12. If you could give me anything what would it be? my foot down your throat
13. How well do you know me? I don't.
14. What do you think my age would be just by looking at my art? do you draw
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? yes. LEAVE ME ALONE!
16. Do you think I could kill someone? no but I know a few people who might want to kill YOU.
17. Describe me in one word. okay let's see here. Ass
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? we never had one sorry!
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? oh you'll listen alright!!
20. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? hell no! I want you to leave me alone.
21. What are main parts I need to work on in my art? To leave me alone.
Okay, instead of a blog I want to create a website for my union. What's going to be in it you ask? Comics, cartoons, and some more stuff that you all will probably glance at and never come back again. How would I know? GuessBook, that's how! I don't know when the web will be out but it will be soon though. I'll keep you updated
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