I didn't play u2 yet, but i think MW2 doesn't deserve to be GOTY....
kiwisama's forum posts
I do hope it's truly action rpg, cos i hate turn based/sit and wait type rpgs, i want something to keep me on my toes! (or thumbs i guess...)
This is laughable! A 3 hour campaign is crap, and multiplayer isn't better. It's more than 3 hours!:lol: Yeah! it's double than that! ....[QUOTE="metalgear-solid"]
Halo 3: ODST – 9.25mitu123
I hope it gets AA, because AAA seems to be thrown around here way too often and the balance needs to be restored.
And don't get me wrong, AA is a great score but with all the AAA's lately and the high expectations of the community, it seems like AA has lost its status and AA games are considered "not worthy" by many...
After playing both demos on the PS3 I say:
-the goalie is better on fifa.
-the graphics of fifa are technically better, but the player faces are vastly better in pes.
-dribbling is more fluid on fifa.
-better animations for fifa.
-pes's pace is better.
-Altho i'm a pes vet and never played fifa before, i found it much easier to score goals on fifa despite the stupid pes goalie (palyed both games on medium).
-the defense in both games is absolutely HORRENDOUS.
-more tactical options in pes.
-i like the pes replay feature more, but that might be just me.
in the end, i think people are going to enjoy whichever game they choose!
XBL is better, but if you just want to play games online (like me) then PSN.
Well my friend has issues with connecting his PS3 to the net, so he asked me to ask here if it's possible to log on the PS store via the computer and download/purchase demos/games directly to the computer, and then transfer those games to the ps3 via a USB link or PSP.
Help would be more than welcome :)
Happens to me a lot, sometimes i just pray it will work, and it does! I also turn off all the computers but i don't think it really has anything to do with it...
[QUOTE="417alum"]Watch the End parts after the Screaming Mantis battle...He electrocutes multiple Haven Troopers, this doesn't suprise me...adizorz
Yeah, how does he do that btw?
well, when hideo entered my dreams after playing mgs4, he explanined this, also why snake had to go through the microwave cooridor when only the mark3 really had to go.
Also he explains how raiden is strong enough to hold back a ship(for a while anyway), he also explains why raiden now has brown eyes instead of blue.
Its hideo, it doesn't have to make sense.
honestly i don't imagine this game to be anything special, this sort of feels like milking, hideo probably didn't want to do it but konami probably forcing him too, hopefully the psp game will be more 'tactical'.
That teaser was god awful.
Ohwell, looking forward to hearing about that'mask' game.
EDIT: lighning bolt action, sounds like an exclusive that was just recently releasd...
Well from what i understand the mk3 has to stay close to snake in order to work, so snake had to go through the corridor
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