perfection doesn't exsit, kojima's vision is perfection, thus he will never be satisfied.
a game that isn't 100% perfect is not automatically 100% flawed game, maybe it's 99% perfect. it's not two conditions, perfect or flawed, it's a scale.
I am very confused as to what this game is. I have seen some videos and stuff and it just looks like how Nintnedo Miis were. It looks nice graphically but gameplay wise im extremely confused about this one. Delays suck but the game will only be better because of it.zeldafan00013
the game is, i think, like a youtube for platforming levels.
this argument is stupid, psn and live were originally made so we could play games online, i don't give a sh*t about all the other "amazing" features as long as i can play my games online, psn lets you do that for free and i think that live also lets you do that, so does it really matter anything?
I'm curious though. I've heard it's basicly a "create your own platformer" type of game, but I wonder how you go about creating a level? Can you actually CREATE something or is it "draw little things to get you through an already made level" and they "cheat you" with the creation part, where infact you have no creative control at all? Denji
watch some videos, in some of them they show how they create stuff from scratch.
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